This version focuses on additions & improvements to gameplay UI among other additions and improvements. Many internal changes and additions have been made as part of a code refactor, resulting in better player sprite loading, better sound handling, consistent & dynamic input handling, etc.
- Better music handling.
- All gameplay UI has been decoupled to a seperate overlapping scene.
- Better-defined depth sorting of graphics.
- Moved debug text to the bottom left.
- Increased player sprite size to 20x20.
- Debug wall detect graphic now changes colour based on onWall state.
- Player sprites are all now contained within one spritesheet and atlas.
- Made player physics body size / offset adjustments.
- Overhauled tutorial UI functionality to be better and more consistent across mobile & desktop. Tutorial levesl have been updated to remove right-space which was added to account for previous tutorial UI offset.
- Quick restart / level select shortcuts are now exclusive to dev mode & keyboard input.
- Replaced grenade sprite with a mask, more clearly defining enemies which explode on impact.
- Player & timer are still until player jumps, uppercuts or punches. Tutorial levels have been updated to account for this.
- Level select now only shows level name in dev mode.
- Level select input has been changed for consistency & convenience, using new InputManager.
- Tweaked design of some levels.
- Added pause functionality which happens automatically when the window loses focus, or on user input.
- Added hitstop when hitting enemies.
- Added enemy hit particles.
- Added updated punch charge UI.
- Added / improved level timer UI.
- Added tutorial popup frame.
- Added InputManager class with functions providing names and bindings. The active input mode will be detected, and relevant input names will be used when instructing the player.
- Loading screen now shows each asset key as it's loaded, because it looks cool.
- Added post-level summary screen.
- Added a new level.
- Finally got rid of the Level's UICam.
- Hid enemies defeated UI.
- Removed exhausted sprites which had conveyed punch charge.
- Sounds now use their assigned volume.
- Adjusted player physics body to appear more symmetric and not have areas which are overlapped by level tiles.
- Fixed bombs several issues with bombs.
This build has my third attempt at a tutorial, but first try at something full and shippable. I've improved the level creation process into something more foolproof.
- ResetY object is no longer required / used for level bottom boundary, instead just using the bottom of the tilemap.
- Enemy settings in the tilemap editor have been unified as custom properties.
- VisionPoly no longer needs to be named such in the tilemap, as it's identified by being a polygon object.
- Starting point no longer needs to be named such, as it's identified by GID.
- Updated all level tilemaps to work with updated loading methods.
- Level now ends when the player touches the plane, not when the enemy in the plane is taken out.
- Modified alpha level 1 to focus on jumping.
- Player now moves automatically when the level starts.
- Diving into an enemy now sets the player's state to airborne, allowing them to use any other move.
- No starting point object in the tilemap will no longer result in a crash.
- Adaptive zoom takes height and scale zoom (which depends on device / PPI) into account. Resolution threshold & zoom level has been tweaked.
- Adaptive zoom is applied during gameplay when the screen is resized.
- Added specific run animation sprites.
- Added sprite variations to convey punch charge.
- Added plane to the Tiled tileset, which adds a standalone goal plane for the first level.
- Added bird victory sprite.
- Added level end animation in which the plane flies offscreen.
- Decorated the first several levels according to a new design language / set of rules.
- Implmented tutorial UI, wrote lesson text.
- Added level timer.
- Added score popups which appear when taking out an enemy.
- Enabled scale autoRound. While playing in the full browser window, scrollbars will no longer appear.
- UI no longer disappears or offsets on fullscreen or mobile orientation change.
- For enemies flipped horizontally and with guns pointing up or down, gun sprite is now rotated in the proper direction.
This build focuses on finalizing player control, movement and collision. Additionally, I'm creating a series of new levels. These things are to make a good demonstration of the primary gameplay loop.
- Player punch sprite has been separated into it's own image and hitbox, resulting in punch / uppercuts being easier / less risky.
- Changed keyboard, gamepad and touch input bindings.
- Player punch & uppercut sprite has been changed and no longer rotates while in uppercut state.
- Reduced balloon enemy float range for consistency sake.
- Changed nemies defeated UI tween to be more eye-catching.
- Enemy & bomb knockback from attacks is now consistent instead of based on player velocity.
- Horizontal flip can now be set on startPoint object in tilemap to change that of player.
- Punching bombs now charges your punch the same as enemies.
- Increased bullet speed.
- Level select now opens selected to the level you returned from.
- Level select now displays the level number along with the level key.
- Increased explosion impact distance to account for the fist hitbox allowing the player to take out mine enemies safely.
- Created new levels.
- Added plane end point, which is set to the position of an enemy. Player sits in the plane upon taking out the enemy.
- Added combo system. Ui will display a combo when the player takes out two or more enemies while airborne.
- Added a 'mute music' button.
- Added tutorial music to earlier levels.
- Added environmental ambient sound.
- Added combo hit sound that changes pitch & volume based on combo.
- End egg object.
- Level select now shows correct name of initially selected level.
- Hitting a ceiling while facing right no longer flips player and sets either state to cling for a frame.
- Player physics body no longer offsets based on animation sprite size, fixing several collision issues.
This build focuses on finalizing gameplay by adding elements and improving interactions.
- Bomb enemies' vision polygon has been adjusted.
- After being punched, bomb explode on impact with tilemap.
- Bomb's parent enemy is no longer immune to bomb.
- Bomb prop appears / disappears to indicate when enemy is ready to drop.
- Punching an enemy that's holding a bomb will cause the bomb to go flying.
- Falling enemies can knock each other out.
- Added background layer to tilemaps. Each existing level has been decorated to demonstrate.
- Created test maps.
- Pogo enemy type.
- Grenade enemy weapon - Contact with player triggers explosion even if player is in an attack state.
- Enemies can be set to constantly fire.
- Bombs don't appear from falling enemies. (refix)
- Enemies don't sometimes float downward.
- Enemy knockback is more consistent.
This build moves the game towards autorun gameplay, and changing enemy weapon patterns to fit better with that gameplay.
- Level select menu has been changed to allow for any number of levels which can be added without adding UI elements.
- Added goal egg to end of existing levels, edited level to accomodate and increase linearity.
- Enemies' player detection is more advanced, using a polygon set up in the tilemap rather than a using a line set up in code.
- Bombs now drop when player is detected rather than on a timer.
- Player will hop over walls rather than having to punch to regain horizontal movement.
- New level goal: reaching an egg sprite at the end of the level.
- Added Player sprites correlating to flap charge.
- Added cling sprite.
- Added UI showing number of enemies defeated.
- Added UI showing punch charge.
- Multi-directional punching. (Both punches buttons just punch forward)
- Debug graphics are now ignored by the UIcam.
After evaluating the project, this build makes a lot of changes in order to allow gameplay experimentation. Most significantly gunfire, bomb behaviour and level select.
- Uppercuts now also use punch charge rather than a seperate variable.
- Enemies are set to be balloon enemies from the type field of the object in the Tiled editor, allowing them to have guns.
- Bomb enemies are set in the Tiled editor as another enemy type rather than automatically being assigned to all balloon enemies.
- In smaller windows, the camera is zoomed out.
- Added restart funciton, used when the player is hit rather than just moving them to the start.
- Added Balloon enemies with guns.
- Added a 3-bullet spray and cooldown pattern.
- Added line of sight detection to trigger gunfire.
- Added a fuse for bombs which is set upon collision rather than immediately exploding.
- Added a level selection menu with pointer, gamepad and keyboard input.
- Added quick restart input for gamepad, mobile and keyboard.
- Added return to level select input for gamepad, mobile and keyboard.
- Added simple adaptive zoom.
- Added fade in effect upon level start / restart.
- Added visual & audio feedback for when all enemies are defeated.
- Added audio cue for scene start / restart.
- Guns can now aim down.
- Added parasols that enemies can have to protect from player's dive ability.
- Bombs can be launched by the punch or uppercut ability.
- Explosions have a sfx and screen shake effect.
- Created 5 Levels.
- Old test level is inaccessible.
- Punches charge is no longer restored during punch / uppercut state, which allowed for multiple uses while airborne.
- Bullets and bombs no longer spawn from falling enemies.
- Guns and balloons are now ignored by the UICam.
- Camera no longer rushes to the player upon level start / restart.
- Set camera bounds to tilemap edges.
- Two punch inputs for either direction.
- Changed keyboard, gamepad and mobile control scheme to something simpler and understandable.
- Enemy placement is now loaded in from tilemap data rather than placed afterwards in the Phaser Editor.
variable is now used to automatically alter code between dev mode and public build.- Four blue debug pixels representing wall deteciton points are now visible in dev mode.
- Enemies now have death behaviour rather than disappearing.
- Enemy types are now seperate classes extending from
. - Enemies are now loaded in based on object GID rather than name, allowing enemy types to be added to the Tiled tileset and placed more easily.
- top-left debug text now only appears in dev mode.
- Implemented animation for enemies.
- Implemented rough animation for the player. This includes feedback for when the player cannot flap again.
- Implemented music. (Disabled in dev mode.)
- Implemented SFX:
- Flap
- Enemy death
- Punch
- Balloon enemies move vertically.
- Guns attached to enemies as set in the Tilemap, including visual behaviour when enemy is taken out.
- New test map
- Bullets fired from enemy guns.
- Disabled egg drop ability.
- Replaced old test map.
- Wall detection is more correct / generous, checking at the top and bottom of the player.
- Some upward velocity added to egg drop ability.
- UI is visible again.
- Bomb & explosions added during gameplay are added to the correct layer and ignored by the UI camera.
- Keyboard & gamepad input bindings changed to be consistent.
- Egg drop cannot be performed before the last egg has landed.
- Diving onto an enemy bounces the player.
- Eggs are now BombPrefabs in an object pool with enemy bombs.
- Debug text only has it's shadow visible.
- UI is invisible until a UICam glitch is fixed.
- Explosion visual & impact on sprites.
- Uppercut ability w/ mobile button
- Floating enemies drop bombs.
- Auto game start in preloader. (to be disabled on build)
- Flap limit.
- Dive ability.
- Egg drop ability.
- Mobile input.
- Adjusted BG positioning.
- Punch ability.
- solider prefab: grounded and airborne.
- placed soldiers around the map.
- jump input while standing to start moving.
- Created git repository.
- Migrated all code to Typescript.
- Setup project files for esbuild based on template.
- Improved scaling code.
- Replaced player movement code in
with a state machine. - Working floor & wall detection.
- Player clings to walls.
- jump input while standing makes the player start moving.
- Added BG visuals.
- Created bigger test map.
- Out-of-bounds reset.