Web/Repo Tasks (Small):
- Set policy for closing repos without leaders
- Regularly assess old repos that may be defunct
- Update members on community page
- Clean Out HackMD (P***)
- Flag Unpublished in HackMD
- Any Feedback on #62
- Coordinate W's Tech Excerpts (from big video)
- Added newest testimony (Sign, email)
- Review https://twitter.com/ChristopherA/status/1435664587479650308 for messaging for other docs
- Review & Update C's LinkedIn Profile
- Get Access to Team Email
- Get Access to Accounting Email
- Get Access to Bank Account
- Get Access to Credit Card
- Get Access to Multisig
- Revise Yearly
- Link Articles in LifeHash Repo to Crypto Commons Repo
- Add bc-lifehash to Crypto Commons Repo
- Move BTCPay to New Account (2022): 1 of 2
- Investigate Lightning
- Enable Lightning (low-priority)
- Write about Defining/Creating Adversaries
- Recovery of Multisigs Standards
- Need Standards
- Storing Metadata
- Working with Tap Root
- Not Having SPF
Possible Grants:
- Reach Out About #SC 2 (PRI)
- Ethereum / NFTs
- Community Membership / Collaboration
- Release CryptoReQuest Article (start of December)
Gordian Server:
- Put Gordian Server in LBTCftCL (requires PATH)
- Incorporate RPC PR (pending)
Learning Bitcoin:
- Announce Weekly LBTCftCL Seminars (early January)
- Article?
- Add diagram of forks & branches to TRANSLATING
- First LBTCftCL Seminar (January 19th)
Secure Development
- Line edit Pseudonymity Guide, one section at a time. (U: Maybe Wednesday)
- Verify section by section that there isn't work that he's planning
- Make sure Main README says how to run scripts
- Do We Want to talk about Guide First?
- What are use cases? Even non-pseudonymous people who are interacting with pseudonyms.
- Does Pseudonymity Guide Overlap into Secure Development?
- Supply chain attacks? Liability? Physical Threats in Less Secure Countries?
- Cover Thease Reasons? https://twitter.com/ChristopherA/status/1450971497174999041?s=20
Repo Maintenance Tasks:
- Better standards for labels on PRs and issues
- Better topics for Community Discussion Categories?
- Test Main Web Pages, GitHub Pages in Twitter Validator https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
- Change Seedtool to Seed Tool throughout repos
- Make community logo work in GitHub dark mode
- See if We Should Have Vulnerability Disclosure Info in our Repos, Per https://openssf.org/blog/2021/09/27/announcing-the-openssf-vulnerability-disclosure-wg-guide-to-disclosure-for-oss-projects/
- Do we want to have a blockchain commons shared GPG key?
- Archive vs Update Old Projects Decisions?
- Itemize Them
- Decide
Web/Repo Tasks (Large):
- Design UniversalResources.info
Community/Patron Tasks:
- Add to Airgapped README.md links for UR overview and other topics, repos, and important discussions, that might be needed by a newly arrived airgapped community person (Issue #66)
Standup Scripts:
- Try to get j's better scripting back on track
- Review V's Notes (week of September 19)
- Review Roadmap for Rest of Year (week of September 19)
- Related to roadmap is review if our strategy is current https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Community/blob/master/Strategies.md
- Discuss Vinay's post-mortem recommendations
- Vinay would like to volunteer againt if we in particular focusing on "responsible key management" and funding opportunities in ethereum community for that.
Writing Tasks:
- Write About Writing Use Cases (SOON)
- Write Some Use Cases for Our Usage
- Write about Object Identity BLock (OIB)
- Why Are Web Assembly & Rust Strategy Important & What Are Those Strategies?
- Improve Docs on Signing CLA
- Q4 Report (DECEMBER)
- Write about SSKR for Identity Developers in W3C-CCG: keys in browsers, don't necessarily use BIP39
- Write About Autonomy Chart
- Write Release Procedures for iOS
- Puzzle through what do to unpublished Open Development draft https://hackmd.io/md7blDMZQjCmP0qB7k1iiQ. @ChristopherA's biggest concern is that the principles are missing something, or are not quite right, or at wrong level (aren't principles but something else).
Writing Tasks (Small):
- Add
to multisig articles: the [fingerprint/path/to/key]xpub is increasingly called an "xfp" = extended fingerprint. We've not been calling it that.
- Add
- Tweetstorm OIBs, Seedtool
- BTCR: Article & Tweetstorm based on https://the-rubric.castos.com/episodes/the-granddaddy-of-dids, with quotes & links
- #SC for NFTs (once we have a plan)
Video Tasks:
- Create Images for Long QR Tool Video
- Add Slides Requested by C.
- Add Title & Final from W.
- Release to Youtube
- Write Tweetstorm to go with it
Release Manager Tasks:
- Work with Fastlane
- Install
- Use for Seedtool Release
- Integrate for use with QRTool
- Integrate for use with Cosigner
- Prepare Cosigner for Release
- Withdraw February Build
- Update Store Text from Issue
- Remove Front-Page Discussion of Alpha/Testnet
- Make Mainnet the Default
- Check Rest of Text
- Write Mini-Manual
- Link to Mini-Manual
- QA For iOS
- Submit for iOS w/full notes (manual) for Apple
- A for MacOS
- Submit for MacOS w/full notes (manual) for Apple
- Write Integration Manual for Cosigner & Guardian
- Write Integration Manual for Cosigner & Wallet (if it becomes more active)
- Write Cosigner Article
- Write Tweetstorm to go with it
- Write Cosigner Mini-Manual
- Write Tweetstorm to go with it
- Produce Short Cosigner Video
- Write Script for Short Cosigner Video
- Create Images for Short Cosigner VIdeo
- Write Tweetstorm to go with it
- Produce Long Cosigner Video
- Write Script for Long Cosigner Video
- Create Images for Long Cosigner VIdeo
- Write Tweetstorm to go with it
Jekyll Tasks
- Link Anchors for Headers on Web Pages
Writing Tasks:
- Proceed on Gordian Seal
- Check in with M.
- Create Mock-up Landing Page
- Mock Up Logo
- Give Logo + Short to M.
- Collect Info Needed for 99d.
- Link Youtube videos in places like:
- ?
- Design pages for four Gordian principles that describe sub principles and list how different reference apps meet those principles.
- What is principle?
- How did we apply it?
- What other things fall into principle? (no app does it yet)
- Write SmartContract Article, on Signature, Vaults, Covenants
- What are they?
- What are they good for?
- New Flags?
- UTXO Tricks?
- https://raghavsood.com/blog/2018/06/10/bitcoin-signature-types-sighash
- https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2021-March/018615.html
- https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.16714
- https://pinboard.in/u:ChristopherA/t:vault/
- https://bitcoinmagazine.com/technical/noinput-class-bitcoin-soft-fork-simplify-lightning
- Expand Timelock Work
- Edit Timelock Article
- Write about script
- Write about rust library creation
- Potential Article: Identifying Stuff, LifeHash, Short Hex, Name
- Talk with W. about why he did things & the UI of his choices (why anything is in specific places0
- Article: Why We Choose BSD+ Patentic and Creative Commons By
- Talk with C. about SSKR vocabulary (shard, share, deck, etc)
Video Tasks:
- Consider 3-5 minute short videos
Web/Repo Tasks:
- Consider https://bitcoin.design/guide/ for language & pointers to our work
- Clean up Bean Count repo, so that it's more appropriate for Documentation
Tweet Tasks:
- Short 2-3 Tweet Mini-Storms on BCC Content
Gordian Wallet:
- Look at Wallets
- ColdCard
- BlueWallet
- Spectre's Desktop App
- Capture Info:
- Gordian Co Signer Docs (after crypto-request specification)
- Full manual
- How to Use with Core
- How to Use with Cold
- How to Use with Gordian
- GG Docs (next week?)
- Set Up Monitoring of BCC Machines?
- Review adding YAML schema info to markdown files, initially LBTCftCL, and testing against Google. See https://www.software.ac.uk/resources/guides/adding-schema-dot-org
- Gordian Signer Manual
- Pending: UX Rev (mid-Jan?)
- Explain why Engagement Model is Important & How TO Do It & package that with Ruby 1.0.0
- Engagement Model is meant to show the human experience.
- There should be a System Document showing flows, which is somewhat orthogonal to the human experience of the Engagement Model
- But the Engagement a way to ensure that we have all the pieces when we get started, and to make it possible for outsiders to understand what’s going on
- Forces us to look at the less common parts of the flow, like the beginning and the end, which can easily be the most dangerous sections
- We can’t do a security review just from Engagement Model, but we feel that it’s a requirement: the first step of a full review
- Successful here: we spotlighted areas that they weren’t currently dealing with!
- So BCC Goal: say why this process is important, and why we’re doing it
- Unlike BCC Engagement Models: this is is real
- Review MD Files in Gordian Guardian
- Do We Want to Use "What We Could Do?" as a possibility showcase
- If so, try to better highlight how each item could help individuals
- Write Weekly Articles(?)
- Chapter in LBTCftCL on BCC CLIs
- Chapter in LBTCftCL on BCC libraries
- Section in LBTCftCL on BC-UR
- Is there more we can do on BC-UR? Intro? Other Stuff?
- v2 of #SC
- Should LBTCftCL Have an Exam?
- Further integration of Gordian Seed Tool
- Write Article or Tweets about Translations [2022]
- Update Internship Info, matching dates of https://www.summerofbitcoin.org/how-it-works [Wednesday]
- Make Sure UR Docs Talk About Creation
- Document Coldcard & Passport Seed Backup Methodologies
- Add URs to all test vectors
- Write high-level vision of next-generation architecture
- Finalize GST Manual Changes for 1.4 (52+) [NW1]
- Update All GST Pics as Needed in Manual [NW2]
- Do Final Edit of GST 1.4 Manual [NW3]
- Write responses for different sorts of crypto-requests, per derivation
- Thoroughly test file names of new GST
- Update manual for GST 1.4
- Write Printing Cover Sheet as Suggested in BlockchainCommons/Gordian#82 (reply in thread)
- Look at updated GST SSKR Cover Page, Should We Add Stuff (TODAY): Master Key Fingerprint, Ethereum Fingerprint, URL for seedtool? mention other places to recover (or just a page: GST, seedtool-cli)
- Respond to SoB about Internships [Wednesday]
- Tweetstorm Case Studies