Q: What is sticky message 2?
A: Sticky message 2 is an advanced version of the sticky message I added to the YAGPDB Community & Support server. It makes it easier for us volunteers to for example announce to users in several channels that the bot is having issues. It works the same as the other sticky message I have coded but with this version you can:
With the flag -d
you can overwrite the default cooldown of the sticky message.
Example: -sm Hello -d 5m
With the flag -img
you can attach images to the embed. Example: -sm Hello world -img https://github.com/BlackWolfWoof/yagpdb-cc/blob/assets/cat2.jpeg?raw=true
{{$perms := "ManageMessages"}}
{{/*The bot will check if the user has this permission.
Permissions available: Administrator, ManageServer, ReadMessages, SendMessages, SendTTSMessages, ManageMessages, EmbedLinks, AttachFiles, ReadMessageHistory, MentionEveryone, VoiceConnect, VoiceSpeak, VoiceMuteMembers, VoiceDeafenMembers, VoiceMoveMembers, VoiceUseVAD, ManageNicknames, ManageRoles, ManageWebhooks, ManageEmojis, CreateInstantInvite, KickMembers, BanMembers, ManageChannels, AddReactions, ViewAuditLogs*/}}
{{$whitelist := false}}
{{/*This enables the whitelist of channels where it should run*/}}
{{$channels := cslice 166207328570441728 384011387132706816}}
{{/*Replace these channel id's with your channels if you have enabled the whitelist*/}}
{{$cooldown := "60s"}}{{/*FORMAT EXAMPLE: "10s" "20m10s" "1mo10d" "3w2h"*/}}
{{/*The cooldown how long the sticky message shouldn't be sent in the same channel*/}}