- https://opensource.zalando.com/postgres-operator/
- https://postgres-operator.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- https://github.com/zalando/postgres-operator
helm repo add postgres-operator-charts https://opensource.zalando.com/postgres-operator/charts/postgres-operator
helm repo add postgres-operator-ui-charts https://opensource.zalando.com/postgres-operator/charts/postgres-operator-ui
helm search repo postgres
helm show values postgres-operator-charts/postgres-operator > operator/postgres-operator-values.yaml
Правим файл values.
Ищем последнюю версию оператора на сайте производителя:
В моем случае последняя обнаруженная версия - v1.10.0. Подставляю ее в поле tag:
tag: v1.10.0
Аналогичным образом ищем версию контейнера spilo. И определяем его в values:
# general configuration parameters
# Spilo docker image
docker_image: registry.opensource.zalan.do/acid/spilo-15:3.0-p1
# toggles pod anti affinity on the Postgres pods
enable_pod_antiaffinity: true
# toogles readiness probe for database pods
enable_readiness_probe: true
# operator watches for postgres objects in the given namespace
watched_namespace: "*" # listen to all namespaces
# DNS zone for cluster DNS name when load balancer is configured for cluster
db_hosted_zone: kryukov.local
Пользователи. Мы не будем включать PostgresTeam CR
# automate creation of human users with teams API service
# team_admin_role will have the rights to grant roles coming from PG manifests
enable_admin_role_for_users: true
# operator watches for PostgresTeam CRs to assign additional teams and members to clusters
enable_postgres_team_crd: false
Планируем только один оператор в кластере.
# Specifies whether a controller ID should be defined for the operator
# Note, all postgres manifest must then contain the following annotation to be found by this operator
# "acid.zalan.do/controller": <controller-ID-of-the-operator>
create: false
# The name of the controller ID to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
Установим оператор
helm install postgres-operator postgres-operator-charts/postgres-operator -f operator/postgres-operator-values.yaml \
-n postgres-operator --create-namespace
helm show values postgres-operator-ui-charts/postgres-operator-ui > operator/postgres-operator-ui-values.yaml
Определяем последнюю версию контейнера и подставляем её
# configure ui image
tag: v1.9.0
#tag: v1.10.0
# configure UI ENVs
# IMPORTANT: While operator chart and UI chart are independent, this is the interface between
# UI and operator API. Insert the service name of the operator API here!
operatorApiUrl: "http://postgres-operator:8080"
operatorClusterNameLabel: "cluster-name"
resourcesVisible: "False"
targetNamespace: "postgres-operator"
- "acid"
Конфигурация ingress:
# configure UI ingress. If needed: "enabled: true"
enabled: true
# kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
# kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
ingressClassName: "system-ingress"
- host: operator.kryukov.local
paths: [""]
Установим UI.
helm install postgres-operator-ui postgres-operator-ui-charts/postgres-operator-ui \
-f operator/postgres-operator-ui-values.yaml \
-n postgres-operator
Попытаемся запустить кластер, аналогичный тому, что мы делали при помощи манифестов.
kubectl -n postgres-operator apply -f operator/01-config-map.yaml \
-f operator/02-pvc.yaml -f operator/03-test1-db.yaml