Each creature has four attributes, which are used for certain kinds of checks.
- Strength - [Str] - Physical power, endurance, and raw force.
- Dexterity - [Dex] - Agility, reflexes, and precision.
- Intellect - [Int] - Knowledge, problem-solving, and technical skill.
- Presence - [Prs] - Charisma, willpower, and emotional strength.
These can be any value, but are 1 on average for humans. PCs start with 0-3 in each totaling to 7, but NPCs can have higher or lower values (including negatives).
Characters have a number of skills from the list below, as determined by their Backgrounds. These are listed on their sheet under their abilities. Whenever they make a check that relates to one of their skills, they can add +1 to their roll.
Skills are represented by {Single Brackets} and categories of skills by {{Double Brackets}}, here and elsewhere in the game source.
{{Engineering}} | {{Academic}} | {{High-Life}} | {{Low-Life}} | {{Soldier}} | {{Explorer}} |
{Computators} | {Physics} | {Investigate} | {Subtlety} | {Archery} | {Medicate} |
{Robotics} | {Chemistry} | {Persuade} | {Deceive} | {Melee} | {Move} |
{Mechanics} | {History} | {Insight} | {Stealth} | {Firearms} | {Survival} |
{Energy Systems} | {Biology} | {Authority} | {Streetwise} | {Energy Weapons} | {Navigate} |
{Comms} | {Planetology} | {Charm} | {Intimidate} | {Martial Arts} | {Track} |
{Spacecrafts} | {Xenology} | {Negotiate} | {Recon} | {Heavy Weapons} | {Nature} |
To make a check, follow these steps:
- Roll 2d6.
- Add your relevant attribute (Strength, Dexterity, Intellect, or Presence).
- Add +1 if you have a relevant skill that applies to the task, check with your GM.
- Include any bonuses or penalties applied to the situation (see below).
Then give this result to the GM, if the check was made to complete a task it is compared to a difficulty value, see Check Difficulties for more information about these. If the check was an attack, instead a resistances value is subtracted from it to calculate damage.
If the roll is exactly equal to the difficulty it might be a Marginal Success, meaning the success is only partial or comes at some other cost.
Sometimes two characters will roll against each other, if they get the same result they both must re-roll.
When a check is made in a situation where success is eventually possible, a failure might indicate some other setback rather than failure in the direct task itself.
If the dice show a total of 2 "snake-eyes" or 12 "boxcars" the result is a critical, and has either a failure with a setback, or a complete, easy success. This is mostly left up to the GM as to how it works.
If a character re-rolls one or both dice using an ability, they must take the new result unless they have another ability that lets them re-roll again.
If multiple people are forced to perform a check together rather than just assisting one person, each character rolls, than the average of the highest and lowest roll is rounded up or down depending on the rest of the group's rolls (GM discretion) to determine the group's score. The GM can narrate how the character who rolled the best helped out the others, or how the character who rolled the worst failed.
Sometimes check will be split up into a Skill Challenge, usually when the check is either very important, or taking place during combat and will take more than one turn. To start, an attribute, skill, and difficulty are chosen as normal, with the difficulty usually being 10-12. Then rather then making one check, the character must repeat the check until they have three successes or failures. With three successes the skill challenge is successful, with three failures, the check is entirely failed and impossible to retry.
GMs should narrate the checks to explain each step that is needed. During combat only one attempt at any skill challenge can be made per turn. Some skill challenges may require more or less than three successes.
Sometimes a character might make a check in such a way that they won't know whether or not it succeeded. In this case the player must act as their character would, without considering the result of the dice. The GM may choose to make such checks secretly, but if so should ask the player before rolling whether they would be willing to spend a luck point to re-roll a 1 on the check, if it is spent, they immediately tell the player so they can mark it down.
Situational bonuses and penalties may be given given by the GM, based on the conditions of a check. When a check is made, all bonuses and penalties are totaled and added to the check.
- A tool, device, or another player is actively aiding you in completing the task.
- The enemy or target you are engaging is hindered in some way (e.g., blinded, stunned, surprised, or grappled).
- You have prepared thoroughly or the environment naturally assists your task (e.g., navigating after studying a map, shooting from high ground)
- You are trying to perform an action without the proper tools or equipment.
- The task is being attempted under stressful or hostile conditions (e.g., picking a lock while being shot at, building a shelter while in acid rain).
- The obstacle or enemy is at an advantage (e.g., a foe has cover, attacking in total darkness).
- You are hindered by an injury, exhaustion, or other debilitation.