Releases: AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc
Releases · AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc
- Update build script as Apple retires instruments tool.
- Add more logs in account query from the keychain.
- Fixed crash when decoding cache item from the keychain.
ADAL 6.0.0 renames "AD" class prefix to "ADAL" for all public and private classes.
This is required to avoid possible conflicts with internal iOS/macOS frameworks.
It is strongly recommended to migrate to ADAL 6.0.0 as soon as possible.
Full list of classes renamed is below. Note that ADAL error domain, notifications and cache items serialized to disk are left unmodified to enable backward compatibility.
ADAuthenticationContext -> ADALAuthenticationContext
ADAuthenticationError -> ADALAuthenticationError
ADAuthenticationErrorConverter -> ADALAuthenticationErrorConverter
ADAuthenticationParameters -> ADALAuthenticationParameters
ADAuthenticationResult -> ADALAuthenticationResult
ADAuthenticationSettings -> ADALAuthenticationSettings
ADEnrollmentGateway -> ADALEnrollmentGateway
ADUserInformation -> ADALUserInformation
ADUserIdentifier -> ADALUserIdentifier
ADRequestParameters -> ADALRequestParameters
ADBrokerHelper -> ADALBrokerHelper
ADBrokerKeyHelper -> ADALBrokerKeyHelper
ADBrokerNotificationManager -> ADALBrokerNotificationManager
ADBrokerApplicationTokenHelper -> ADALBrokerApplicationTokenHelper
ADTokenCache -> ADALTokenCache
ADTokenCacheItem -> ADALTokenCacheItem
ADTokenCacheKey -> ADALTokenCacheKey
ADTokenCacheDataSource -> ADALTokenCacheDataSource
ADResponseCacheHandler -> ADALResponseCacheHandler
ADKeychainTokenCache -> ADALKeychainTokenCache
ADMSIDDataSourceWrapper -> ADALMSIDDataSourceWrapper
ADMSIDContext -> ADALMSIDContext
ADAuthenticationRequest -> ADALAuthenticationRequest
ADAcquireTokenSilentHandler -> ADALAcquireTokenSilentHandler
ADWebRequest -> ADALWebRequest
ADWebAuthRequest -> ADALWebAuthRequest
ADWebAuthResponse -> ADALWebAuthResponse
ADWebResponse -> ADALWebResponse
ADTelemetry -> ADALTelemetry
ADDefaultDispatcher -> ADALDefaultDispatcher
ADAggregatedDispatcher -> ADALAggregatedDispatcher
ADWebAuthController -> ADALWebAuthController
ADKeychainUtil -> ADALKeychainUtil
ADHelpers -> ADALHelpers
NSString+ADURLExtensions -> NSString+ADALURLExtensions
NSUUID+ADExtensions -> NSUUID+ADALExtensions
ADAuthorityUtils -> ADALAuthorityUtils
ADAppExtensionUtil -> ADALAppExtensionUtil
ADErrorCodes -> ADALErrorCodes
ADAuthorityValidation -> ADALAuthorityValidation
ADAuthorityValidationRequest -> ADALAuthorityValidationRequest
ADDrsDiscoveryRequest -> ADALDrsDiscoveryReques
ADWebFingerRequest -> ADALWebFingerRequest
What's Changed
- Release/5.0.0 by @hieunguyenmsft in #1577
- AD -> ADAL prefix mass rename by @oldalton in #1580
- Add azure pipeline by @antrix1989 in #1579
- Release ADAL 6.0.0 by @oldalton in #1581
Full Changelog: 5.0.0...6.0.0
Rename ADLogger to ADALLogger to fix a crash about naming collision (ADLogger) between ADAL and Apple's Depth (in ARKit) in iOS 15
- Fixed warnings found by the static analyzer.
- Fixed a bug causing FRT deletion failure
- Fixed showing smart card's cert on macOS.
- Updated Embedded webview to allow opening links that open in a new window to open with system browser. Used in MFA setup when using ADAL. (#1561)
- Fixed test cases and method deprecations for iOS 14, macOS 11. Updated deployment target to macOS 10.12 & iOS 11. Updated travis CI to use xcode 12 (#1546)
- Disabled WPJChallenge on iOS as there's a known issue with WKWebview handling NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate; It swallows the challenge response rather than sending it to server.
- Append 'PkeyAuth/1.0' keyword to the User Agent String to reliably advertise PkeyAuth capability to ADFS.
- Added a public API in ADAuthenticationParameters class for iOS & MacOS to generate a custom WKWebViewConfig with default recommended settings for the developers to use. On iOS, "PKeyAuth/1.0" keyword is also appended to the UserAgent string as part of the default settings in order to enable PKeyAuth challenge.