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Davide Casali edited this page Jul 14, 2017 · 6 revisions

This icon set uses some tools to automate the building process. We use two tools:

  • Node (and NPM)
  • Grunt


  1. Go to, download the latest recommended version, and install it.
  2. Clone the Gridicons git repository, we suggest to use GitHub Desktop but you can use the command line if you're comfortable with git.
  3. Open Terminal on the Gridicons git just cloned folder.
  4. Type npm install -g grunt-cli to install Grunt.
  5. Type npm install to install Gridicons build libraries.
  6. Done! Now you can just run grunt to build the icons.


Sometimes things don't work. Try one of these:

  1. Run again npm install from the Gridicons git folder.
  2. Delete the node_modules folder and run npm install again.
  3. Check you have grunt and grunt-svgstore installed (also might require grunt-svgmin). Type npm ls in the Gridicons folder to see the full list.
  4. Update your Node version.
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