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- com.jhlabs
- javaproj
- 1.0
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/auscope/portal/server/web/controllers/ReprojectionController.java b/src/main/java/org/auscope/portal/server/web/controllers/ReprojectionController.java
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--- a/src/main/java/org/auscope/portal/server/web/controllers/ReprojectionController.java
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-package org.auscope.portal.server.web.controllers;
-import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
-import org.auscope.portal.core.server.controllers.BasePortalController;
-import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
-import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;
-import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
-import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
-import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
-import com.jhlabs.map.proj.Projection;
-import com.jhlabs.map.proj.ProjectionFactory;
- * Controller for performing simplistic BBox reprojection
- * @author Josh Vote
- *
- */
-public class ReprojectionController extends BasePortalController {
- protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
- public ReprojectionController() {
- }
- /**
- * Utility for calculating the best Mga zone for a given point
- * (Inherited from VEGL - should be revised)
- */
- private int calculateIdealMgaZone(double northBoundLatitude, double southBoundLatitude, double eastBoundLongitude, double westBoundLongitude) {
- double lngDiff = eastBoundLongitude - westBoundLongitude;
- double lngCenter = westBoundLongitude + (lngDiff/2);
- double latDiff = northBoundLatitude - southBoundLatitude;
- double latCenter = southBoundLatitude + (latDiff/2);
- return calculateIdealMgaZone(latCenter, lngCenter);
- }
- /**
- * Utility for calculating the best Mga zone for a given point
- * (Inherited from VEGL - should be revised)
- */
- private int calculateIdealMgaZone(double latitude, double longitude) {
- if (longitude >= 108 && longitude < 114){
- return 49;
- } else if (longitude >= 114 && longitude < 120){
- return 50;
- } else if (longitude >= 120 && longitude < 126){
- return 51;
- } else if (longitude >= 126 && longitude < 132){
- return 52;
- } else if (longitude >= 132 && longitude < 138){
- return 53;
- } else if (longitude >= 138 && longitude < 144){
- return 54;
- } else if (longitude >= 144 && longitude < 150){
- return 55;
- } else if (longitude >= 150 && longitude < 156){
- return 56;
- }
- logger.error("could not calculate MGA zone");
- return-1;
- }
- /**
- * Calculates the likely MGA zone that the user should use. This zone is determined by finding what zone
- * the center of the selected region is in.
- * @return
- */
- @RequestMapping("/calculateMgaZoneForBBox.do")
- public ModelAndView calculateMgaZoneForBBox(@RequestParam("northBoundLatitude") final double northBoundLatitude,
- @RequestParam("southBoundLatitude") final double southBoundLatitude,
- @RequestParam("eastBoundLongitude") final double eastBoundLongitude,
- @RequestParam("westBoundLongitude") final double westBoundLongitude) {
- // calculate likely MGA zone
- int mgaZone = calculateIdealMgaZone(northBoundLatitude, southBoundLatitude, eastBoundLongitude, westBoundLongitude);
- if (mgaZone < 0) {
- logger.error("could not calculate MGA zone");
- return generateJSONResponseMAV(false, null, "Could not calculate MGA zone");
- }
- return generateJSONResponseMAV(true, mgaZone, "");
- }
- /**
- * Projects the lat/lng co-ordinates to UTM. If mga zone is not specified it will be estimated
- *
- * @return
- * @throws Exception
- */
- @RequestMapping("/projectBBoxToUtm.do")
- public ModelAndView projectBBoxToUtm(@RequestParam("northBoundLatitude") double northBoundLatitude,
- @RequestParam("southBoundLatitude") double southBoundLatitude,
- @RequestParam("eastBoundLongitude") double eastBoundLongitude,
- @RequestParam("westBoundLongitude") double westBoundLongitude,
- @RequestParam(required=false, value="mgaZone") Integer mgaZone) {
- if (mgaZone == null) {
- mgaZone = calculateIdealMgaZone(northBoundLatitude, southBoundLatitude, eastBoundLongitude, westBoundLongitude);
- if (mgaZone < 0) {
- logger.error("could not calculate MGA zone");
- return generateJSONResponseMAV(false, null, "Could not calculate MGA zone");
- }
- }
- // create new projection object
- Projection projection = ProjectionFactory.fromPROJ4Specification(
- new String[] {
- "+proj=utm", // Projection name
- "+zone=" + mgaZone, //UTM zone
- "+ellps=WGS84", // Ellipsoid name
- "+x_0=500000", // False easting
- "+y_0=10000000", // False northing
- "+k_0=0.99960000" // Scaling factor (new name)
- }
- );
- // project the selected region into appropriate UTM projection
- Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(eastBoundLongitude, southBoundLatitude, (westBoundLongitude - eastBoundLongitude), (northBoundLatitude - southBoundLatitude));
- Rectangle2D approxAreaMga = projection.transform(rect);
- // Calculate bounding box which fully encompasses this polygon
- ModelMap data = new ModelMap();
- data.put("minNorthing", (int)Math.floor(approxAreaMga.getMinY()));
- data.put("maxNorthing", (int)Math.ceil(approxAreaMga.getMaxY()));
- data.put("minEasting", (int)Math.floor(approxAreaMga.getMinX()));
- data.put("maxEasting", (int)Math.ceil(approxAreaMga.getMaxX()));
- data.put("mgaZone", mgaZone);
- return generateJSONResponseMAV(true, data, "");
- }
diff --git a/src/test/java/org/auscope/portal/server/web/controllers/TestReprojectionController.java b/src/test/java/org/auscope/portal/server/web/controllers/TestReprojectionController.java
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--- a/src/test/java/org/auscope/portal/server/web/controllers/TestReprojectionController.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-package org.auscope.portal.server.web.controllers;
-import org.auscope.portal.core.test.PortalTestClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;
-import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
-public class TestReprojectionController extends PortalTestClass {
- ReprojectionController cont = new ReprojectionController();
- /**
- * Simple test with dataset that will return MGA Zone of 49.
- */
- @Test
- public void testCalculateMgaZoneForBBox_MGAZone_49() {
- double north = -30;
- double south = -32;
- double east = 125;
- double west = 100;
- ModelAndView mav = cont.calculateMgaZoneForBBox(north, south, east, west);
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav);
- Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) mav.getModel().get("success"));
- int result = (Integer)mav.getModel().get("data");
- Assert.assertEquals(49, result);
- }
- /**
- * Simple test with dataset that will return MGA Zone of 50.
- */
- @Test
- public void testCalculateMgaZoneForBBox_MGAZone_50() {
- double north = -30;
- double south = -32;
- double east = 125;
- double west = 110;
- ModelAndView mav = cont.calculateMgaZoneForBBox(north, south, east, west);
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav);
- Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) mav.getModel().get("success"));
- int result = (Integer)mav.getModel().get("data");
- Assert.assertEquals(50, result);
- }
- /**
- * Simple test with dataset that will return MGA Zone of 51.
- */
- @Test
- public void testCalculateMgaZoneForBBox_MGAZone_51() {
- double north = -30;
- double south = -32;
- double east = 150;
- double west = 100;
- ModelAndView mav = cont.calculateMgaZoneForBBox(north, south, east, west);
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav);
- Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) mav.getModel().get("success"));
- int result = (Integer)mav.getModel().get("data");
- Assert.assertEquals(51, result);
- }
- /**
- * Simple test with dataset that will return MGA Zone of 52.
- */
- @Test
- public void testCalculateMgaZoneForBBox_MGAZone_52() {
- double north = -30;
- double south = -32;
- double east = 150;
- double west = 110;
- ModelAndView mav = cont.calculateMgaZoneForBBox(north, south, east, west);
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav);
- Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) mav.getModel().get("success"));
- int result = (Integer)mav.getModel().get("data");
- Assert.assertEquals(52, result);
- }
- /**
- * Simple test with dataset that will return MGA Zone of 53.
- */
- @Test
- public void testCalculateMgaZoneForBBox_MGAZone_53() {
- double north = -30;
- double south = -32;
- double east = 170;
- double west = 100;
- ModelAndView mav = cont.calculateMgaZoneForBBox(north, south, east, west);
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav);
- Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) mav.getModel().get("success"));
- int result = (Integer)mav.getModel().get("data");
- Assert.assertEquals(53, result);
- }
- /**
- * Simple test with dataset that will return MGA Zone of 54.
- */
- @Test
- public void testCalculateMgaZoneForBBox_MGAZone_54() {
- double north = -30;
- double south = -32;
- double east = 180;
- double west = 100;
- ModelAndView mav = cont.calculateMgaZoneForBBox(north, south, east, west);
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav);
- Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) mav.getModel().get("success"));
- int result = (Integer)mav.getModel().get("data");
- Assert.assertEquals(54, result);
- }
- /**
- * Simple test with dataset that will return MGA Zone of 55.
- */
- @Test
- public void testCalculateMgaZoneForBBox_MGAZone_55() {
- double north = -30;
- double south = -32;
- double east = 190;
- double west = 100;
- ModelAndView mav = cont.calculateMgaZoneForBBox(north, south, east, west);
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav);
- Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) mav.getModel().get("success"));
- int result = (Integer)mav.getModel().get("data");
- Assert.assertEquals(55, result);
- }
- /**
- * Simple test with dataset that will return MGA Zone of 56.
- */
- @Test
- public void testCalculateMgaZoneForBBox_MGAZone_56() {
- double north = -30;
- double south = -32;
- double east = 200;
- double west = 100;
- ModelAndView mav = cont.calculateMgaZoneForBBox(north, south, east, west);
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav);
- Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) mav.getModel().get("success"));
- int result = (Integer)mav.getModel().get("data");
- Assert.assertEquals(56, result);
- }
- /**
- * Simple test with dataset that will fail.
- */
- @Test
- public void testCalculateMgaZoneForBBox_MGAZoneSmallerThanZero() {
- // The following dataset will yield -1 MGA zone
- double north = -30;
- double south = -32;
- double east = 100;
- double west = 50;
- ModelAndView mav = cont.calculateMgaZoneForBBox(north, south, east, west);
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav);
- Assert.assertFalse((Boolean) mav.getModel().get("success"));
- Assert.assertNull(mav.getModel().get("data"));
- }
- /**
- * Simple test to ensure no errors (no validity of conversion is tested)
- */
- @Test
- public void testBBoxReproject() {
- double north = -30;
- double south = -32;
- double east = 125;
- double west = 110;
- ModelAndView mav = cont.projectBBoxToUtm(north, south, east, west, null);
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav);
- Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) mav.getModel().get("success"));
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav.getModel().get("data"));
- ModelMap data = (ModelMap) mav.getModel().get("data");
- data.containsKey("mgaZone");
- data.containsKey("minNorthing");
- data.containsKey("maxNorthing");
- data.containsKey("minEasting");
- data.containsKey("maxEasting");
- }
- /**
- * Simple test with dataset that will fail.
- */
- @Test
- public void testBBoxReproject_MGAZoneSmallerThanZero() {
- // The following dataset will yield -1 MGA zone
- double north = -30;
- double south = -32;
- double east = 100;
- double west = 50;
- ModelAndView mav = cont.projectBBoxToUtm(north, south, east, west, null);
- Assert.assertNotNull(mav);
- Assert.assertFalse((Boolean) mav.getModel().get("success"));
- Assert.assertNull(mav.getModel().get("data"));
- }
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