AutoDriveForward/Backward (Drives robot number of inches) (Relative)!AutoTurn (Turn robot number of degrees) (Relative)!AutoArm (Position arm to certain degrees) (0 : 90) (Absolute)!AutoWrist (Position wrist to certain degrees) (-30 : 30) (Absolute)!AutoGrip (Claw percent close) (-1 is open, 1 is closed) (Absolute)!Calibrate Commands!
Balancing CommandPut a cone on pole command!Put a cube on a station command!Put a game piece on the floor!AutoPickupCommand!GamePieceOnTopCommand!Inverse Kinematics!
- DriveSubsystem
- ArmSubsystem
- WristSubsystem
- GripperSubsystem
- VisionSubsystem (Limelight/PhotonVision/GRIP/OpenCV) haha ha... woo
- Command to line up with a pole
- Go through all constants and ensure they are the right values (gearbox ratios, motor encoder units per rev, etc.)
! = test
? = review