This software can be used freely when unmodified.
- distrubute this software with a price tag attached
- claim you own this software
When distrubuting modifications of this software you must follow a few rules.
- distribute modification of this software without giving credit
- distrubute modifications of this software with a price tag attached>send_Header(*args,*kwargs)
You need to change the header that you are sending to specify that you are working with a modified software
conn.send(f'HTTP/1.1 {HTTPCode}\nServer: PythonWebServer/{config.VERSION}\nContent-Type: {ContentType}\nContent-Length: {ContentLength}\nConnection: Closed\n\n'.encode())
conn.send(f'HTTP/1.1 {HTTPCode}\nServer: PythonWebServer/{config.VERSION}/MODIFIED\nContent-Type: {ContentType}\nContent-Length: {ContentLength}\nConnection: Closed\n\n'.encode())
or to:
conn.send(f'HTTP/1.1 {HTTPCode}\nServer: MYSERVER/{config.VERSION}/PYWS-FORK\nContent-Type: {ContentType}\nContent-Length: {ContentLength}\nConnection: Closed\n\n'.encode())
with the name of your new server software
Exceptions can be made easily if you contact me!