Released on 23/09/2017
- Swift version updated to Swift 4
- Added some annoying
prefixes for Objective-C selectors @objc interference
set toDefault
to remove warnings
Released on 26/02/2017
- Implementation example for
loading view type
- Message for content size assert check. It will inform you about aggregate content size and stack view size
- Documentation updated
- Couple of assert checks for loading view state, prevented UI updates during apperance/disappearance animation.
Released on 27/01/2017
- Documentation added (check
in /docs folder)
Released on 24/01/2017
read-only flag for checking loading view state.progressWithCancelButton
added to the list of availableALLVTypes
iFreedive #0003
- Readme file updated with more examples of ALLV usage
Released on 12/01/2017
property is now responsible for spacing between items at UIStackView
- Autolayout mechanism is now in place replacing equal frames for subviews
- Subviews are placed into UIStackView to control their positioning
- Frame of subview (activity indicator, text view or button) is determined by its content size
- UILabel subview was replaced with UITextView
Released on 09/10/2016
- Versions 1.0.0+ support Swift 3
ALLVType replaced withbasic
- Method namings updated according to Swift 3 name conventions:
- Before
.showLoadingViewOfType(.Default, windowMode: .Windowed, completionBlock: nil)
- After
.showLoadingView(ofType: .basic, windowMode: .windowed)
- Before
- Animation blocks are forced to be performed on main thread
Released on 26/08/2016