See Current protobuf schema for overview examples, and c++ and python tests for detailed examples, ie C++ ControlMessage example and [../python-src/tests/].
- Message
- ControlMessage - from client only
- SensorMessage - from sensor only
- ResetMessage - from either
- HandshakeInitMessage - from client only
- HandshakeMessage - from server only
- ErrorMessage - from server if bad version
- Message
- HandshakeInitMessage
- HandshakeMessage
- ControlMessage
- SensorMessage
- ResetMessage
- ErrorMessage ...
- MessageSerializer: parses Message --> Bytes, and Bytes --> Message, ie parse(bytes):Message, serialize(message): Bytes
- *MessageBuilder - create Complex Messages
- MessageFactory - create Simple Messages
- 0MQ is an obvious choice to start with because of
- it's simplicity
- no middleware needed
- L-GPL licence with link exception
- Support for IPC communication
- Handshake vs configuration file
- Using OpenPLX on controller side
- Adds unwanted effort and binary size
- Impose using OpenPLX instead of urdf
- Starting with a handshake as opposed to a configuration file.
- Reading another configuration file which also needs to be shared is more complex.
- Using OpenPLX on controller side
- Protobuf vs flatbuffers
- Not a strong preference, choosing to start with protobuf mainly because of
- adoption
- simplicity.
- Not a strong preference, choosing to start with protobuf mainly because of
- Specify units in protocol.
- Not to start with, specified outside for now.