16 Default Colors + 2 Premium colors
This is for
- People who don't want to trash thier old PC but has an useless USB
- People who loved TUI from 80/90/00
- People who just want to try out any OS
- People who are AhnTri fans
- People who are AhnTri Stargazers
- Contributers(Owners of copyright)
- Special Thankers
- 프레임버퍼(어려웠음 ㅋㅋㅋ)
- Descripter Tables(GDT, IDT)
- Apps as file(.o)
- ISRs
- 프레임버퍼로 완전 이주(ㅋㅋㅋ)
- A basic TTY that can fully supersede VGA text mode
- IRQs
- 스톱워치
- 언어팩 완성(있긴 한데 좋지 않음)
- 페이징(지금 하는중)
- ATA 드라이버
- 파일시스템
In order to be able to run it in your PC, copy and paste the code below.
menuentry "AhnTriOS" {
multiboot /boot/directory/of/your/os/ATOS1.bin