If this is your first open source contribution please read this https://medium.com/@jenweber/your-first-open-source-contribution-a-step-by-step-technical-guide-d3aca55cc5a6
There are many ways to contribute in a project,
- Submit bugs and feature requests, and help us verify as they are checked in
- Review source code changes
- Review the documentation and make pull requests for anything from typos to new content
Better pull requests means, its easy to code review and will be merged quickly.
- Issue should be mentioned in your PR. No PR will be merged without a issue number attached to it. If there is no issue, then please create a new issue first and then attach it to PR.
- Proper commit messages for reviewer to understand the code change and why it was done.
- Unit test for the changed code, every code change requires changes in unit test or new test to be added.
- Proper description, incase you think commit messages was not enough to explain the code change.(optional)
- Passing of all pre-commit hooks.
Maintaining the high quality of code is most important for us. If you see anywhere space for code improvements please raise the PR with code change or just add an issue with the suggested changes and if possible please also add a reference or article for us to implement.
Please follow these initial steps for forking and cloning https://medium.com/@jenweber/your-first-open-source-contribution-a-step-by-step-technical-guide-d3aca55cc5a6
After you clone the project follow these steps,
- create your own branch from develop.
git checkout develop
git checkout -b feature:aweosme-feature-no:awesome-feature-branch-name
- Make sure you follow all our coding standards and commit.
git commit -m feature:aweosme-feature-no my change for awesome feature
make sure you attach the issue no in your branch name and all commit messages.
- Push your changes to your fork and create a PR.
- Check if your PR has all check points mentioned above.
- Update the code according the comments by the code reviewer.
Thats it !! 👍👍 .. we wil merge your PR 💗