DynamicMapper is a framework written in Swift for dynamically decoding and encoding models (reference and value types) using Swift native Decodable
and Encodable
- Installation
- Features
- The Basics
- Easy Transformation from
- Mapping Nested Objects
- Easy Json Insersion
- DynamicMapper + Realm
- Contributing
- Author
- License
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
DynamicMapper is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'DynamicMapper', '~> 2.0.1' (check releases to make sure this is the latest version)
To add DynamicMapper to a Swift Package Manager based project, add:
.package(url: "https://github.com/AbdulrahmanQasem95/DynamicMapper.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.1")),
to your Package.swift
files dependencies
- Decoding and encoding using native
- Has the full functionality of
Codable = Decodable & Encodable
protocols - Nested Objects encoding and decoding (Dynamic Mapping)
- Rreference & Value types support
- Dynamic object insertion and creation
- Safely nested object fetching
- Support subclassing
- Smooth transformation since it works directly with your
models without any changes - Compatible with Realm
- Native replacment of ObjectMapper
- Support Back to iOS 11, macOS 10.13, tvOS 11, and watchOS 4.
Like native JSONDecoder
and JSONEncoder
To support dynamic mapping, a class or struct just needs to implement the DynamicDecodable
protocol for decoding, DynamicEncodable
protocol for encoding or DynamicCodable
protocol for both decoding and encoding togoether
protocol DynamicCodable:DynamicDecodable,DynamicEncodable
var dynamicSelf: DynamicClass?
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) {}
DynamicMapper uses the <--
operator and ds
to set nested member variable.
is a safe non optional alias of dynamicSelf
class User: DynamicDecodable {
var dynamicSelf: DynamicClass?
var username: String?
var lastname: String?
var age: Int?
var weight: Double!
var birthday: Date?
var bestFamilyPhoto:URL? // Nested URL
var numberOfChildren:Int? // Nested Int
var bestFriend: User? // Nested User object
var friends: [User]? // Array of Users
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) {
bestFamilyPhoto <-- ds.alboms.familyAlbom.bestPhoto
numberOfChildren <-- ds.familyInfo.childrenCount
bestFriend?.dynamicMapping(mappingType: mappingType)
friends?.dynamicMapping(mappingType: mappingType)
struct Temperature: DynamicDecodable {
var dynamicSelf: DynamicClass?
var celsius: Double?
var fahrenheit: Double?
mutating func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMapper.DynamicMappingType) {
// nothing to do with model's level parameters, Codable will take care of them
// unless you want to use custom name
// Custom names
struct Temperature: DynamicDecodable {
var dynamicSelf: DynamicClass?
var celsiusTemperature: Double?
var fahrenheitTemperature: Double?
mutating func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) {
celsiusTemperature <-- ds.celsius
fahrenheitTemperature <-- ds.fahrenheit
Once your class implements DynamicDecodable
it can be easily decoded using DynamicJSONDecoder
do {
let userModel = try DynamicJSONDecoder().decode(User.self, from: userDataFromServer)
} catch {
do {
let userData = try DynamicJSONEncoder().encode(userModel)
} catch {
DynamicMapper can decode and encode all types supported by JSONDecoder
and JSONEncoder
(as long as the elements are alsoCodable
(as long as the keys and values areCodable
)- Custom structs and classes that conform to
- Optional types that conform to
- Enumerations with associated values (as long as the associated values are
) Date
Since DynamicJSONDecoder
inherit JSONDecoder
and DynamicJSONEncoder
inherit JSONEncoder
, all your Codable
classes will work same like before with the new dynamic decoder and encoder without any changes.
This will allow you to move smoothly and easily from ordinary Codable
to DynamicCodable
and you can even mix them togethor.
You can keep the ordinary Codable
and use DynamicCodable
only for models where you need to access nested object without defining the implecit objects or where you need to use custom names ...
"title": "Swift",
"category": "Programming Languages",
"teacher": {
"firstName": "Abdulrahman",
"lastName": "Qasem"
class Subject:Codable {
var title:String
var category:String
var teacher:User?
class User:Codable {
var firstName:String
var lastName:String
do {
let subjectModel = try DynamicJSONDecoder().decode(Subject.self, from: subjectData)
print(subjectModel.teacher.firstName) //Abdulrahman
} catch {
or using DynamicMapper
class Subject:DynamicCodable {
var dynamicSelf: DynamicClass?
var title:String
var category:String
var teacherName:String? //Abdulrahman
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) {
teacherName <-- ds.teacher.firstName
do {
let subjectModel = try DynamicJSONDecoder().decode(Subject.self, from: subjectData)
} catch {
This function is where all nested items and models definitions should go. this function is executed during encoding and decoding proccess. It is the only function that is called on the object.
Dynamic copy of the object that we will use to dynamically access the nested properties or models, we can use either dynamicSelf
or its safe non optional alias ds
to access the dynamic model when dynamicMapping(mappingType:DynamicMappingType)
function get called
DynamicCodable | |
Properties | |
var bestFamilyPhoto: URL? var numberOfChildren: Int? |
Data -> Model (Decoding) | |
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) { bestFamilyPhoto <-- ds.alboms.familyAlbom.bestPhoto numberOfChildren <-- ds.familyInfo.childrenCount } |
Model -> Data (Encoding) | |
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) { bestFamilyPhoto --> {ds.alboms.familyAlbom.bestPhoto.set($0)} numberOfChildren --> {ds.familyInfo.childrenCount.set($0)} } |
Decoding & Encoding | |
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) { switch mappingType { case .decoding: bestFamilyPhoto <-- ds.alboms.familyAlbom.bestPhoto numberOfChildren <-- ds.familyInfo.childrenCount case .encoding: bestFamilyPhoto --> {ds.alboms.familyAlbom.bestPhoto.set($0)} numberOfChildren --> {ds.familyInfo.childrenCount.set($0)} } } |
DynamicMapper supports dot notation within keys for easy mapping of nested objects. Given the following JSON String:
"property0": "Value 0",
"level1": {
"property1": "Value 1",
"level2": {
"property2": 10,
"level3": {
"property3": "Value 3",
"level4": {
"property4": "Value 4",
"level5": {
"property5": "Value 5",
"level6Array": [
"item1": "Item A",
"item2": 100
"item1": "Item C",
"item2": 200
"item1": "Item E",
"item2": 300
You can access the nested objects as follows:
var property2:Int?
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) {
property2 <-- ds.level1.level2.property2
Nested keys also support accessing values from an array
var secondArrayItem_1_OfLevel_6:String?
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) {
secondArrayItem_1_OfLevel_6 <-- ds.level1.level2.level3.level4.level5.level6Array[1].item1
fetching array item by index is safe
// this will do nothing
var secondArrayItem_1_OfLevel_6:String?
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) {
secondArrayItem_1_OfLevel_6 <-- ds.level1.level2.level3.level4.level5.level6Array[1200].item1
You can access nested custom model as follows:
var level_6_Array:[ArrayItemModel]?
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) {
level_6_Array <-- ds.level1.level2.level3.level4.level5.level6Array
struct ArrayItemModel:DynamicCodable{
var dynamicSelf:DynamicClass?
var item1:String
var item2:Int
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) {}
Using the same Json above, You can insert any object or array same like when you access it
ds.level1.level2.level3.insertedProperty.set("nested item")
ds.level1.level2.insertedArray.set(["inserted item 1","inserted item 2"])
ds.level1.level2.level3.level4.level5.level6Array[4].set(ArrayItemModel(item1: "inserted item 1", item2: 5))
json will be
"property0": "Value 0",
"level1": {
"property1": "Value 1",
"level2": {
"property2": 10,
"insertedArray": [
"inserted item 1",
"inserted item 2"
"level3": {
"property3": "Value 3",
"insertedProperty": "nested item",
"level4": {
"property4": "Value 4",
"level5": {
"property5": "Value 5",
"level6Array": [
"item1": "Item A",
"item2": 100
"item1": "Item C",
"item2": 200
"item1": "Item E",
"item2": 300
"item1": "inserted item 1",
"item2": 5
and DynamicJSONEncoder
inherit JSONDecoder
and JSONEncoder
respectively, so they have the full power of native Codable
,for example date decoding
"birthDate": "2023-10-30T19:00:00Z"
let decoder = DynamicJSONDecoder()
decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .iso8601
var birthDate:Date?
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) {
birthDate <-- ds.user.personalInfo.birthDate
DynamicMapper and Realm can be used together
import RealmSwift
class Model: Object, DynamicCodable {
var dynamicSelf:DynamicClass?
@objc dynamic var name:String? = ""
func dynamicMapping(mappingType: DynamicMappingType) {
switch mappingType {
case .decoding:
name <-- ds.user.personalInfo.name
case .encoding:
name --> {ds.user.personalInfo.name.set($0)}
Contributions are very welcome 👍😃.
Before submitting any pull request, If you are including new functionality, please write test cases for it.
Abdulrahman Qasem, [email protected]
DynamicMapper is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.