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Sodium based authentication

 ____          _         _   _     
/ ___|  ___   / \  _   _| |_| |__  
\___ \ / _ \ / _ \| | | | __| '_ \ 
 ___) | (_) / ___ \ |_| | |_| | | |
|____/ \___/_/   \_\__,_|\__|_| |_|

A Sodium based authentication framework.
Set it up either as a centralised service that allows single host or multiple hosts management.
Where the clients can be either human (browser) or machine (computer).
Built with the assumption that there is a man-in-the-middle.
Easy. Secure. Private.

Communication topology

No issue with multiple layer of proxies.

          /---> Client Browser(s)
Host <---X                                       /---> Proxy <---> Client Machine
          \---> Client Machine, also a Host <---X
                                                 \---> Client Machine


As host

$ npm run host-test

As human on browser

$ npm run browser-test

As machine

$ npm run machine-test


Host example

import soauth from '../dist/host/soauth.mjs';
import express from 'express';

  secret: 'secret',
  serves: ['test-host-id']

const app = express();
app.use(express.json());'/negotiate', async (req, res, next) => {
  const result = soauth.negotiate(req.body);
  const fingerprint = req.headers['soauth-fingerprint'];
  const intention = result.intention;

  if (soauth.check_store_data(soauth.SOAUTH_HUMAN_STOREDATA, {
    if (intention === 'login') {
      // process login data
    } else if (intention === 'register') {
      // process register data

  return res.json(result);
});'/human', async (req, res, next) => {
  const token = req.body.token;
  const data =;
  const { hostId, boxPublicKey } = get_from_human_database(token);
  const result = soauth.decrypt(data, hostId, boxPublicKey);
  return res.json(soauth.encrypt('Hello human', hostId, boxPublicKey));
});'/machine', async (req, res, next) => {
  const data =;
  const fingerprint = req.headers['soauth-fingerprint'];
  const { hostId, publicKey } = get_from_machine_database(fingerprint);
  const result = soauth.decrypt(data, hostId, publicKey);
  return res.json(soauth.encrypt('Hello machine', hostId, publicKey));

Human example (browser)

import { webgl } from '../dist/human/webgl.js'
import soauth from '../dist/human/soauth.js'

const hostSignPublicKey = "94ab003eb7cb7777c41b34a987863a47c5898516ba2a0e8df835adbc23fdd826";
const hostId = "test-host-id";
const hostEndpoint = "";

await soauth.setup({
  hostId, hostSignPublicKey, hostEndpoint, webgl,
  expired_callback: function () {

const credential = {
  username: "malique";
  password: "786";
  bio: "";

const meta = {
  email: "[email protected]"

const response = await soauth.negotiate('login', credential, '/negotiate', meta });
if (response) {
  const hostReply = await"Hello host", '/human');

// To persist data on reload
const secret = "secret";

// After page load
const secret = "secret";
await soauth.load(secret, {
    hostId, hostSignPublicKey, hostEndpoint, webgl,
    expired_callback: function () {

// When loging out

Machine example

import soauth from '../dist/machine/soauth.mjs';
import http from 'http';

  secret: 'secret',
  hostId: 'test-host-id',
  hostPublicKey: 'c6133c4ccba8a0643af197334ca01597879363d6371f221bcba3e0a970958a6e'

const encrypted = soauth.encrypt('Hello host');
const postData = JSON.stringify(encrypted);

const options = {
  hostname: 'localhost',
  port: 3000,
  path: '/machine',
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(postData),
    'SoAuth-Fingerprint': 'test-machine'

const req = http.request(options, (res) => {
  let data = "";
  res.on('data', (chunk) => { data += chunk });
  res.on('end', () => {
    data = JSON.parse(data);
    const decrypted = soauth.decrypt(data);

Build your own

SoAuth components


  1. The clients know the public identity of the host.
  2. The host should never store any client private credentials.

Main keypoints:

  • Signing keys: Deterministic. Used for human identity. Password not required, as long as the human memory is intact.
  • Box keys: Random on every negotation. Used for encrypted communications.
  • Token: Random on every negotation. Used for sessions to retrieve private readonly data.
  • Fingerprint: Unique hash of the client resource information.


- Generate Signing key pairs and share the Signing public key to respective clients.
- Has the host Signing public key.
- Generate Signing key pairs and Box key pairs.
- Create a message that consists of the Box public key.
- Sign the message with Signing private key.
-Seal the message
- Send the signature and Signing public key as negotiation.
Has nothing useful here.
- Receives the negotation request, unseal and validate the signature and Signing public key.
- If valid, generate Box key pairs and Token.
- Create a message that consists of the Box public key and Token.
- Seal the message with client Box private key and respond to the client with only the seal.
Receives the negotiation respond, unseal and keep the host Box public key. Has nothing useful here.
Negotation ends. Communication begins.
- Use Box private key and host's Box public key to encrypt message.
- Send the ciphertext, nonce and Token.
Use the Token session to obtain client's Box public key and decrypt it with host own Box private key.
In total, it may hold:

- Nothing useful

The Man in the Middle:

  • Replaying the client signing process with it's own signature to provide it's own Box public key will only become a new identity since it cannot provide the client's Signing public key (identity) and have a valid signature.
  • Replaying the signing process as the host will only generate invalid signature when the client validates it.
  • Passing the client's Token with it's own ciphertext and nonce (using it's own Box key pairs) in the communication will only point the host to retrieve the invalid or non-exist public key and will not able to decrypt the ciphertext.
  • Since the Token lifetime remains alive until the next negotation process, Tokens should NEVER be used to retrieve sensitive information. Useful for static files such as javascript, json, stylesheet or html in private scope. Useful to isolate contents that should only be retrievable after authenticated.

About the Persistent mode:

  • Client uses local storage (or any secured storage method) to store only the Box key pairs. Never the signing key pairs.
  • Box key pairs lifetime is until the next signing process or when the local storage is cleared.
  • If the local storage is compromised or Box key pairs is copied, destroy the client Box public key or re-negotiate.
  • DO NOT store Signing private key as that is the client identity.


File structure

├── dist
| └── host : Source file to use as host
| └── human : Source file to use as client human on browser
| └── machine : Source file to use as client machine on computer
├── host-test : Test as host
├── browser-test : Test as client human on browser
└── machine-test : Test as client machine on a computer

WebGL Fingerprint

The fingerprint is a hash of the client device user-agent and client device graphical capabilities. User-agent as a sole unique device identifier is insufficient as it only has the CPU make model, browser type, and version. However, different machines would not have similar graphical rendering criteria, and using this information helps generate even more unique device id.

WebGL Repository
