If any of the sections reference a color, refer to it here.
- Gray
- fill: #999999
- stroke: #727272
- Blue
- fill: #00b2e1
- stroke: #0085a8
- Red
- fill: #f14e54
- stroke: #b43a3f
- Green
- fill: #00e16e
- stroke: #00a852
- Purple
- fill: #bf7ff5
- stroke: #8f5fb7
- Square
- fill: #ffe869
- stroke: #bfae4e
- Triangle
- fill: #fc7677
- stroke: #bd5859
- Pentagon
- fill: #768dfc
- stroke: #5869bd
- Alpha Pentagon: same as pentagon
- Crasher
- fill: #f177dd
- stroke: #b459a5
- Small Crasher: same as small crasher
(Refer to the colors in the Colors section)
- Tank barrel: gray
- Text
- fill: #ffffff
- stroke: #000000
The dark colors are when the button is pressed. The light colors are when the cursor is hovering over the button.
Note: All the darkened colors are essentially the same color but with all three color channels subtracted by 51.
- fill: #8efffb
- fill dark: #71ccc8
- fill light: #a4fffb
- Survival
- fill: #b4ff8e
- fill dark: #90cc71
- fill light: #c3ffa4
- 2 Teams
- fill: #ff8e8e
- fill dark: #cc7171
- fill light: #ffa4a4
- 4 Teams
- fill: #ffeb8e
- fill dark: #ccbc71
- fill light: #ffefa4
- Domination
- fill: #8eb2ff
- fill dark: #718ecc
- fill light: #a4c1ff
- Tag
- fill: #b58eff
- fill dark: #9071cc
- fill light: #c3a4ff
- Maze
- fill: #fb8eff
- fill dark: #c871cc
- fill light: #fba4ff
- Sandbox
- fill: #fdcdac
- fill dark: #caa489
- fill light: #fdd7bc
- Button borders
- stroke: #333333
- Copy party link
- fill: #adadad
- fill dark: #8a8a8a
- fill light: #bdbdbd
- Flower body
- fill: #ffe763
- stroke: #cfbb50
- Petals
- fill: #ffffff
- stroke: #cfcfcf
- Digger body
- fill: #999999
- stroke: #7c7c7c
- Digger eyes
- fill: #222222
- Digger mouth
- stroke: #222222
- Digger pupil
- fill: #eeeeee
- Spinner
- fill: #111111
Note: the gameplay colors are combined with transparency, so it may seem counterintuitive that items like the gray notification are actually completely black, but that's just black with transparency.
- Grid
- fill: #cdcdcd
- stroke: #000000
- Minimap background
- fill: #cdcdcd
- stroke: #555555
- Minimap triangle
- fill: #000000
- Score bar
- stroke: #43ff91
- Level up bar
- stroke: #ffde43
- Health bar
- stroke: #85e37d
- Blue notification
- fill: #0000ff
- Gray notification
- fill: #000000
- Black fill background (outside area of arena and black background of score bars)
- fill: #000000
- White non-cheat name
- fill: #ffffff
- Yellow cheat name
- fill: #ffff90
Random fact: the upgrade menu is actually drawn from bottom to top.
- Health Regen
- fill: #fcad76
- Max Health
- fill: #f943ff
- Body Damage
- fill: #8543ff
- Bullet Speed
- fill: #437fff
- Bullet Penetration
- fill: #ffde43
- Bullet Damage
- fill: #ff4343
- Reload
- fill: #82ff43
- Movement Speed
- fill: #43fff9
- When a tank or shape is hit, they quickly turn to red and back to their original color, giving them a nice hit effect. The exact hit animation color algorithm has yet to be researched.