- As of the writing of this, July 2020, the R7000's web interface does not let you downgrade its firmware, or run 3rd party firmware on it.
- Older versions of the R7000's firmware do allow you to flash 3rd party firmware.
- You can use nrmpflash to downgrade router's firmware, for example R7000-V1.0.3.56_1.1.25.
Here is an example set of steps
- Plug in your router, go through the regular stock web interface setup. Note if the router's IP address is now or
- Connect computer your computer to LAN1 with an ethernet cable
- At the command prompt on your computer, run:
sudo nmrpflash -v -i YOUR_ADAPTER_NAME -f R7000-V1.0.3.56_1.1.25.chk -t 10000 -T 10000 -A -a
- Note 1: The instructions from README.md that tell you how to find YOUR_ADAPTER_NAME.
- Note 2: if your router's IP address was then swap out 10.0.0.x with 192.168.1.x for the two IP addresses above
- Right after running the command, power on your router. Your router checks for the nmrpflash server on boot. If all goes well you should see this:
sudo nmrpflash -v -i enp0s25 -f R7000-V1.0.3.56_1.1.25.chk -t 10000 -T 10000 -A -a
Adding to interface enp0s25.
Advertising NMRP server on enp0s25 ... /
Received configuration request from ab:cd:ef:12:34:56.
Sending configuration:
Received upload request without filename.
Using remote filename 'R7000-V1.0.3.56_1.1.25.chk'.
Uploading R7000-V1.0.3.56_1.1.25.chk ... OK
Waiting for remote to respond.
Received keep-alive request (19).
Remote finished. Closing connection.
Reboot your device now.
- Reboot the device. You now have old firwmare, congratulations.