Allows searching/filtering of an array. This component is very useful when displaying array data in GridViews with an ArrayDataProvider.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require "2amigos/yii2-arrayquery-component" "*"
or add
"2amigos/yii2-arrayquery-component" : "*"
to the require section of your application's composer.json
\\ $models is the array elements to used with ArrayDataProvider
$query = new ArrayQuery($models);
$models = $query
->addCondition('name', '~2amigos')
->addCondition('name', 'cebe/yii2-gravatar', 'or')
$dataProvider = new ArrayDataProvider([
'allModels' => $models,
'pagination' => [
'pageSize' => 50,
'sort' => [
'attributes' => [], // to be specified
$ phpunit
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