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426 lines (262 loc) · 14.6 KB

File metadata and controls

426 lines (262 loc) · 14.6 KB



  • SmoothScrollbar
    • Feat: now using lenis import
  • preloadScene
    • Feat: Switched to object literal for arguments to match other render API functions
    • Fix: scene and camera props are now optional
  • UseCanvas
    • Fix: id prop is now passed to the child
  • powerups add type declaration


  • ScrollScene improved portal support
  • StickyScrollScene improvements


  • Upgrade @studio-freight/lenis to v1.0.23
  • SmoothScrollbar Passing in children is now obsolete and not needed. The only reason was to set pointer-events: none on the children while scrolling. We now do this directly on doucment.documentElement. This change makes it easier to dynamically import and conditionally render the scrollbar to split the bundle.


  • Upgrade @studio-freight/lenis to v1.0.16


  • Upgrade @studio-freight/lenis to v1.0.10

  • GlobalCanvas

    • Add back: as props to allow changing the default R3F Canvas component. Prep work for supporting custom tree shaked canvas or perhaps react-three-offscreen in the future


Simplify render logic and improve camera controls.

  • ViewportScrollScene

    • Feat: now uses portal state enclave for camera so you can use OrbitControls or pass in a custom camera as a child.
    • Feat: No longer clears depth by default
    • Feat: added hud prop to clear depth
    • Feat: aadded camera prop to allow overriding default camera settings
      • specifying fov will calculate distance to match the DOM
    • Removed renderOrder - can be set manually on children instead
  • ScrollScene

    • Removed renderOrder - can be set manually on children instead
  • GlobalCanvas

    • Fix: make sure viewport is correct after resize when using default perspective camera
    • Feat: camera prop now allows overriding fov. If fov is specified, the camera distance will be calculated to match DOM size.
    • Feat: Default camera FoV now set to 50
    • Removed: globalClearAlpha - can be controlled by other useFrames with higher or lower priority instead
    • Removed: as - always renders as a default R3F Canvas. react-xr no longer uses VRCanvas and ARCanvas.
  • useImageAsTexture

    • Fix: better support for next/image loading="lazy"
  • SmoothScrollbar

    • Fix: make sure binding an onScroll callback fires an initial scroll event


Added some properties to help support having multiple SmoothScrollbar on the page at the same time. The usecase is to open a Modal on top of the current page which also needs to be smooth scrolled.

  • useTracker

    • Added wrapper option to get initial scroll offset from DOM element instead of the window object.
    • Added scroll prop to update({ scroll }) to update tracker with custom scroll state. Useful when having a secondary scrollbar mounted.
  • SmoothScrollbar

    • Added onScroll prop to register a scroll event callback.
    • Added updateGlobalState prop. True by default. Set it to false to disable updating the global scroll state. Useful when having a secondary scrollbar mounted.


  • scrollInContainer

    • Feat: Added experimental scrollInContainer prop which scrolls inside the body element instead of the default window. This can be used to avoid scrolling away the URL bar on mobile. It also enables the smoothTouch setting in Lenis which emulates scroll using touch events.
  • useTracker

    • Fix: Matches height of canvas element instead of window.innerHeight if possible. (Fixes position problems on mobile where canvas is 100vh)


  • All files converted to TypeScript


  • Fixed SSR warnings by replacing uesLayoutEffect with useIsomorphicLayoutEffect

  • GlobalCanvas

    • removed loadingFallback
    • children can now be a render function (optional). It accepts the global canvas children from useCanvas as a single parameter. This can be used to add suspense boundaries.
      {(globalChildren) => (
        <Suspense fallback={null}>
          <AnotherPersistentComponent />
  • useImageAsTexture

    • Added WebP Accept header to fetch request if supported by brower
    • Notifies the DefaultLoadingManager that something is loading while waiting for the DOM image load.
  • Added global css with classes that can hide DOM elements when canvas is active import "@14islands/r3f-scroll-rig/css";

  • Global export styles added to access CSS class names from Javascript.

import { styles } from '@14islands/r3f-scroll-rig'

function Component() {
  return <div className={styles.hidden}>I will be `visibility: hidden` if WebGL is supported</div>
  • Removed useCanvasRef - use exported classnames and global CSS to hide elements via SSR instead to avoid FOUC

  • SmoothScrollbar

    • Replaced global html classname js-has-smooth-scrollbar with two classes: js-smooth-scrollbar-enabled and js-smooth-scrollbar-disabled
  • useCanvas - improved option dispose:false to keep unused meshes mounted. Now passes an inactive prop to the component which is true if no hook is using the mesh.

  • useTracker - new call signature

    • first argument is always the DOM ref
    • second argument is the optional config settings for the IntersectionObserver


  • GlobalCanvas
    • children can now be a render function which accepts all global children as a single argument. Can be used if you need to wrap all canvas children with a parent.


  • useTracker hook

    • Added autoUpdate configuration which decides if the tracker automatically updates on scroll events. True by default.
    • The update callback will now always recalculate positions even if element is outside viewport in case user wants to turn off autUpdate and take control.
  • SmoothScrollbar

    • Added horizontal prop


  • useTracker hook

    • Added threshold prop which can used to customize the underlying Intersection Observer of the tracked DOM element
  • ScrollScene and ViewportScrollScene

    • Added inViewportThreshold prop which is passed to useTracker as threshold


Complete refactor with focus on reducing complexity.

Now uses mostly R3F defaults and <GlobalCanvas> accepts all R3F Canvas props.

Advanced use-cases are enabled only when setting frameloop="demand" - so most users won't have to worry about this.

New peer deps:

  • @react-three/fiber ">=8.0.0"
  • Three.js >=0.139.0 is now required for colorManagement

New features

  • Started adding typescript
  • Uses scrollbar
  • New hook useTracker that tracks DOM elements - refactored ScrollScene and ViewportScrollScene to use this internally.
  • New hook useCanvasRef which can be used to hide tracked DOM elements when the canvas is active.
  • New hook useImageAsTexture which loads images from the DOM and suspends via useLoader. Replaces the old useImgTagAsTexture which did not suspend properly and was more of a hack.

Breaking Changes:

  • Removed useImgTagAsTexture. Use useImageAsTexture instead.

  • ScrollScene and ViewportScrollScene

    • Renamed el prop to track
    • inViewportMargin is now a string and maps to IntersectionObserver rootMargin
    • Removed lerp, lerpOffset. Uses the SmoothScrollbar position directly.
    • Removed setInViewportProp prop. Instead uses IntersectionObserver to always set inViewport prop.
    • Removed updateLayout - relac position using the reflow() method from useSrcollRig() instead.
    • Removed positionFixed - suggest implementing manually in some other way using useTracker.
    • Removed autoRender - suggest implementing manually in a custom component using useTracker.
    • Removed resizeDelay
    • Removed hiddenStyle - use useCanvasRef instead to control how tracked DOM elements are hidden.
  • VirtualScrollbar and HijackedScrollbar removed. Use SmoothScrollbar instead which is similar to the old hijacked version.

  • GlobalCanvas

    • Removed config prop and added individual props instead:
      • Added debug to turn on shader compile errors and show console.logs
      • Added scaleMultiplier to control viewport units scaling
      • Added globalRender - enable/disable built-in render loop
      • Added globalPriority - enable/disable built-in render loop
      • Added globalAutoClear?: boolean to control if gl.clearDepth() is called before render in global render loop. Default false - render as HUD on top of viewports without clearing them.
      • Added globalClearDepth?: boolean to control gl.autoClear in global render loop. Default true.
    • Renamed fallback property to loadingFallback for global Suspense fallback as R3F Canvas already has a prop with this name
  • examples/ folder removed

  • added new import target @14islands/r3f-scroll-rig/powerups with useful helpers - might become separate repo later


  • update to R3f v7
  • Enables autoRender by default if frameloop="always"


  • Updated to R3F v6 api.


ViewportScrollScene, ScrollScene, ScrollDomPortal

  • lerpOffset is now a factor that is multiplied with the lerp instead of added. Default value is now 1 instead of 0.


Breaking upgrade. Simplify and remove as much as possible.

  • requestFrame is now removed. please use invalidate to trigger useFrame
  • global render pass now run with priority 1000
  • renderFullscreen has been renamed to requestRender - use this to trigger a global render pass.
  • renderScissor and renderViewport now renders immediately. use useFrame() priority to render before or after global render
  • preloadScene now runs with priority 0
  • ScrollScene and ViewportScrollScene runs with priority 1 by default
  • ScrollScene and ViewportScrollScene now accepts a priority prop to change the useFrame priority.
  • all pause and suspend logic has been removed


Added stdlib export target with the following reusable components:

  • WebGLText
  • WebGLImage
  • ParallaxScrollScene
  • StickyScrollScene

E.g. import { StickyScrollScene } from '@14islands/r3f-scroll-rig/stdlib



  • Added back Stats component. fps config and querystring now works again


  • New experimental scrollbar with animates window.scrollTo instead of translating sections with CSS.


ScrollDom (Experimental)

  • Removed. Consider using ScrollPortal or use drei's HTML component instead.


  • Removed framer-motion dependency.


  • Removed framer-motion dependency.


  • Removed framer-motion dependency.


  • Removed experimental softDirection
  • Removed framer-motion dependency.



  • Added config option subpixelScrolling that affects ScrollScene. If false, the scroll poition will be rounded to an integer (browsers usually do this with normal scroll)



  • portalEl now needs to be passed as an argument. GlobalCanvas no longer provides a default portal.



  • antialias and depth are now true by default.
  • VirtualScrolbar now uses same lerp & restDelta as Canvas components



  • No more automatic switching between global vs scissor renders. To make it more predictable, scissor passes are always rendered if requested.


  • scissor is now false by default



  • New prop scrollToTop (false by default) to automatically scroll to top of page when scrollbar mounts. (used to be true by default)



  • gl.autoClear is now only turned off if we have viewports renderering before main global render call. This fixes background alpha glitch on Oculus browser and WebXR clearing issues.



  • New property as to support rendering the global canvas as a VRCanvas for instance.



  • PerspectiveCameraScene renamed to ViewportScrollScene with optional property orthographic to switch between orthographic and perspective cameras. Both are scaled to fit the viewport exactly.


  • Uses custom cameras for global scaleMultiplier to work properly. Bypasses all built-in @react-three/fiber camera logic. Property orthogonal is used to select which camera.
  • added fps setting to the config propery which overrides scroll-rig config Querystring value for fps and debug override this config.
  • Default pixelRatio scaling can now be turned off with config={{autoPixelRatio: false}}
  • turned stencil buffer on by default (not sure disabling did anything good for perf anyway)
  • removed gl properties preserveDrawingBuffer: false and premultipliedAlpha: true that are default in threejs anyway to simplify



  • Deprecated layoutOffset and layoutLerp. Should be implemented by child component.



  • Deprecated state prop passed to child. Replaced by scrollState


  • Deprecated state prop passed to child. Replaced by scrollState
  • Accepts scaleMultiplier prop which overrides global setting



  • config propery which overrides scroll-rig config. Props that might be useful to change are debug, scaleMultiplier, scrollLerp.
  • scaleMultiplier config added which affects PerspectiveCameraScene and ScrollScene scaling. Used to scale pixels vs viewport units (1 by default, i.e. 1px = 1 viewport unit). Suggest using 0.001 for perspective scenes to avoid depth buffer sorting issues etc. (1000px == 1 viewport unit)


  • Scale scene using global config.scaleMultiplier


  • Scale scene using global config.scaleMultiplier


  • Fix broken resize logic under some race conditions



  • Viewport scenes can now renderOnTop to render after global queue
  • depth is no longer disabled
  • config.fbo is removed, implement in your app instead
  • renderScissoris deprecated


  • Uses createPortal instead of nested scene and all of its problems (sweet!)
  • New prop renderOnTop to render after global render



  • WebGL 2.0 by default
  • resizeOnHeight added to GlobalCanvas (default true)


  • live flag is now called updateLayout
  • getOffset -> layoutOffset
  • scene prop passed to children is no longer a ref


  • Uses createPortal instead of nested scene and all of its problems (sweet!)


  • colorManagement=true + gl.toneMapping = NoToneMapping to match hex with DOM


  • resizeOnWebFontLoaded added to ResizeManager