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This package contains the files and such that constitute HECC-UP (The HECC Ultra Parser). Basically, the bits that read in a .hecc file, and convert them into a playable game.


  • gameParts
    • This contains some of the game data classes that are/were used in HECC-UP.


  • FolderOutputter

    • Responsible for actually outputting the heccin' game into a folder.
  • FolderOutputterMetadataInterface

    • Interface implemented by ./gameParts/, this just provides access to the important bits that the FolderOutputter actually needs access to.
  • HeccParser

    • Responsible for parsing the .hecc file into a map of OutputtablePassages and a Metadata object.

    • It does this via some overuse of regex, or it might have been abuse.

      • This was first written in August 2020, but has recieved substantial improvements since then, such as making it object-oriented for easier maintainability, some better comments in it, etc.
    • Basically it's given a string of the contents of a .hecc file, and turns it into a format that the FolderOutputter can actually output it in.

  • HeccUpGUI

    • The GUI for HECC-UP.

    • It uses Swing for the GUI, and was written by hand, so all of the code that sets up the layout is in there.

    • What it does

      • Asks users for a .hecc file (can choose via a JFileChooser), and for a folder to output the HECCIN' Game described by that .hecc file to.

      • Calls the HeccUpHandler to convert that .hecc file into a HECCIN' Game.

      • If there's a problem with the .hecc file, it has a 'console' where the warning can be logged and read by the user.

      • If processed successfully, it offers the user the option to just open the index.html of their HECCIN' Game in their browser.

    • Usage

      • Initial plan

        • User launches main of HeccUpGUI, manually selects .hecc file and folder, then attempts to output it.
      • Current usage

        • User selects .hecc file for HECC-IT, may open it in HECC-UP instantly or after editing it a bit with OH-HECC.

        • .hecc file pre-selected, and a folder within same directory as .hecc file is also pre-selected.

        • Unless user wants to change the output folder location, they just need to press the 'HECC-IT!' button to output the game.

    • Implements LoggerInterface

      • There's a JTextArea in a JScrollPane at the bottom of the window.

      • Info is logged there, where the user can read it.

  • HeccUpHander

    • This handles the behind-the-scenes stuff for HECC-UP.
      • Calls the HeccParser and such to parse the .hecc file, and also gets the FolderOutputter to actually output that parsed .hecc file.

      • If there's a problem, it'll tell the LoggerInterface object to, well, log it.

      • And if it works, that will be logged by the LoggerInterface object as well.

  • LoggerInterface

    • Logs stuff.
      • Has a method, logInfo(String infoToLog), and implementing classes must log that given string of info to log, in some way, shape, or form.
    • Default implementation
      • Literally just prints it to console.
  • OldHeccUpMain

    • @Deprecated.

    • Was used for checking if HECC-UP worked, by taking in a sample .hecc file and seeing what that would be output as.

    • 100% in console, 100% uninteractable, probably could just get rid of it tbh.

  • HeccUpTests

    • Some unit tests for HECC-UP, to demonstrate that it does, in fact, work.