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MVP Development of

File metadata and controls

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(3.2).3.2.2: Development of the MVP version of OH-HECC

3.2.2.A: The basis for OH-HECC's architecture

As mentioned in the design section, I was planning on giving OH-HECC a model-view-controller architecture, similar to the one I have used in the past for a few other personal projects. That architecture can be seen below:

Figure 26: The MVC architecture which I was planning to re-use for OH-HECC

general MVC architecture

Everything would basically be in the same 'Packij' package (descriptive name, I know). The GameFrame would be responsible for a JFrame which would hold the View, filling its content pane. The View would be a JComponent, and would hold a Model, given to it by the GameRunner, allowing it to be rendered. The GameRunner would hold the aforementioned GameFrame, View, and would generally hold multiple Model objects, only one of which would be considered 'active' at a time (but that wouldn't be necessary for this particular use case). The Model effectively only held methods which could be used as an update loop and as a render loop (a public, concrete, 'wrapper' method, handling any synchronization which needed to be done, with abstract methods for the actual update/draw methods to be performed in), sometimes also holding certain collections of GameObjects which all of the subclasses of Model for that particular game used. The Model would always have a Game subclass, holding all of the collections of GameObjects needed for the particular game, with the implemented version of the abstract update method handling all of the interactions between the GameObjects, and the implemented draw method drawing all of the drawable GameObjects appropriately. The games would also have a TitleScreen subclass of Model, but that would not be applicable to this use case. The models would be controlled via a Controller object (specifically, by obtaining an Action from the Controller to see the inputs for that particular update frame). The GameObject subclasses would be in their own package, and their positions/velocities/directions would be represented by 2D vectors (in a Vector2D class). To draw these objects, an AffineTransform would be used to offset the 'drawing' origin for the object in question to be at it's actual position, then the object would be drawn about that offset origin,after which, the AffineTransform would be reset to how it was beforehand, so the process can be repeated for every other object's draw operation. Finally, running the update/draw loops, as well as swapping between active Models/resetting them, would be managed by the GameRunner class.

Why am I telling you about this? It's because I was planning on generifying this further to produce OH-HECC. Instead of running a game and reading from/writing to a high scores file, it would just be running a 'model editor', and reading the model's current state from/writing the current state to a .hecc file.

On the topic of reading the state from/writing the state to a .hecc file...

3.2.2.B: The OhHeccParser.

I would need to first work out how I would turn the .hecc file into the map of PassageEditingInterface objects and the MetadataEditingInterface object.

I was still planning on eventually merging the HECC-UP components with the OH-HECC components, but I also didn't want to break anything with HECC-UP, so I chose to copy the code present in HECC-UP, and change a few parts of it to work for OH-HECC instead. The main difference between the HECC-UP parser and the OH-HECC parser was that whilst the HECC-UP parser was strict (expecting perfect .hecc code), the OH-HECC parser was more lenient. If there's an issue which would lead to the HECC-UP parser to throw an exception, the OH-HECC parser won't care, and will just continue parsing as normal. The idea was that OH-HECC would fix any of the problems encountered in file as it parsed it (such as passages with duplicate names, unresolved passage links, a start passage which doesn't exist, etc), however, quite a few of these error detection measures were completely overlooked, and were only retroactively implemented at the last minute for the final deliverable.

Because OH-HECC needed all the passages to have a set of the UUIDs of the passages they're linked to, one notable change in the OH-HECC parser was the addition of an extra iteration through the values in the passage map for the sole purpose of initialising these UUID sets. The linked name sets are still created in the same way as in HECC-UP (within the passage itself), but the OH-HECC parser cannot predict what UUID will be assigned to each passage until they have all had a UUID assigned to them; therefore, this has to be sorted out for every passage (by finding the passages in the map with the names that are in the linked passage name set).

Just like the HECC-UP parser, I couldn't really predict what the outputs of this parser would be, due to the somewhat non-deterministic nature of the UUIDs which would be assigned to every single EditablePassage. So, I used the cop-out method of testing it via a main method in the class itself, looking at the console outputs, to see if they behaved as expected. I did add a few unit tests to this class later on though, which can be seen here, although they aren't very exhaustive.

However, with this parser in action, I could now put together the MVC stuff for the data it had parsed

3.2.2.C: The Actual MVC architecture

The initial plan for OH-HECC's MVC architecture looked something like this:

Figure 27: The plan for OH-HECC's MVC architecture

model bits v1

The passage map and the editable metadata would be held within the PassageModel. The AbstractObject would be an abstract parent class for all the objects that will appear within the Model. The StringObject would simply hold a String, in white text with a black outline, which could be rendered in the model. The EditModelObject would basically hold a reference to the PassageModel, via an EditModelInterface, for the objects in the model which would need to hold a reference to the model itself in some form, such as getting some info about the model itself, or getting references to some passages within the model. The ModelButtonObject would be for the 'buttons'/'toolbar' visible at the bottom of the editor view, and the text for each of them would be rendered as StringObjects. The PassageObjects would represent one passage in the network of passages. They would all have a reference to an EditablePassage object (which they would obtain the name, position vector, UUID, and set of linked UUIDs of), and, when clicked, they should open the passage editor window for that passage. Additionally, when the user holds their mouse on them, they should be able to drag them around the view. The PassageObjects would also have a StringObject (showing the name of the passage it's associated with) and a set of PassageLinkObjects, for each passage they're linked to. The PassageLinkObject would need to hold a reference to its parent PassageObject (to get the position of it), as well as the UUID of the passage that this represents a link to. I could then implement the 'triangle pointing to the linked object' via finding the difference between those two position Vector2Ds, rendering the triangle between them by initially offsetting it by the parent's position, so the midpoint of the base is at the midpoint of the parent PassageObject, and then basically rotating it/stretching it so that the tip of the triangle is at the relative (x,y) coordinate in the difference vector, at the midpoint of the PassageObject it links to. Finally, the GUI should be resizeable with the window, and, when pressing the arrow keys, the viewable area should scroll/the viewport/model should move.

The model would store the PassageObjects in a map (associated with the UUIDs of the passages they represent), for ease of indexing, as well as the map of the PassageEditingInterface objects. Yes, doing it like this does mean that there is some redundant data. However, it also means that it'll be easier to remove any references to passages which have been deleted; if there are any keys from the PassageObject map which are not in the PassageEditingInterface map's keys (due to those passages being deleted), the corresponding PassageObjects can be discarded. Additionally, if a passage gets added, any keys which are only in the PassageEditingInterface map but not in the PassageObject map can be identified, so the corresponding PassageObjects can be created.

The Controller would have a ControllerAction object, which would be viewed by the PassageModel in an update loop (via a read-only ActionViewer interface), the state of which would dictate the actions to be performed by the PassageModel. Finally, the update/repaint loops would be handled centrally by the OhHeccRunner.

Then there was the implementation.

The various classes in the model_bits package were implemented as intended. However, when I got to the PassageModel, and in particular, the Controller-related classes, I realized that this particular control implementation was a stupid idea. Unlike those prior game projects, where an update loop was a necessity, it would be completely overkill in this scenario, because, if an author isn't actively interacting with the model, the model's state wouldn't change, so any constant update loops or repaint loops would just be a waste of processor resources. Therefore, I took a closer look at Java's GUI libraries, working out how to make something only repaint if a user were to interact with it, at which point I realized I could just make the Model be a subclass of some variety of GUI component, which would let a MouseListener or KeyListener of some description simply call the controlling methods, which in turn call the invalidate/repaint methods of this GUI component, omitting the update loop entirely. The draw operation and update operations of the Model are still synchronized (via a single, static, SYNC_OBJECT), so only one of those operations may happen at a time, so the model won't suddenly become completely different mid-draw operation. Furthermore, instead of iterating through the PassageMap when attempting to draw the PassageObjects, the values set of that map is deep-copied into a DrawablePassageObjects set, and this set is iterated through instead by the draw thread, so, even if the PassageMap somehow gets modified whilst the draw operation is happening, there won't be any problems caused by concurrent modification.

In the MVP iteration, I didn't do this in an entirely optimal way. I had a MouseController class which implemented MouseListener (as well as MouseMotionListener), to listen for mouse inputs, and then call the appropriate methods of the PassageModel, via a MouseControlModelInterface. This object would also have a reference to the JFrame which actually held the View (and the Model), so, after an input is performed, it could call the repaint method of the JFrame to ensure that the entire viewable area would be updated appropriately. An instance of this class would be added as a MouseListener and as a MouseMotionListener to the content pane of the frame, so, when obtaining the location of the mouse relative to the model (when clicked/dragged), it won't be offset due to the dimensions of the frame itself being different to the dimensions of its content pane. However, the part that listened for the keypresses, to scroll the window, was implemented in a rather terrible way. I stupidly implemented this in an anonymous class, within a method of the OhHeccNetworkFrame class, and would call the methods to move the model via the View object held within the OhHeccNetworkFrame. Eventually, after the MVP iteration, I recognized this stupidity, so I fixed it. I refactored the MouseController class to be a more general ModelController class (implementing KeyListener and moving the key-listening methods from that anonymous class to this class), extended the MouseControlModelInterface into a ControllableModelInterface (adding the scrolling methods to this interface, thereby allowing the improved controller to use those controls), and replaced the method call which added the anonymous KeyListener to the frame with one that added the ModelController to it (again, as a KeyListener).

The viewport scrolling and the window resizing were both new challenges for me to overcome. In my previous games, I didn't really have these (besides one game which presented the illusion of scrolling, by moving certain game objects down whilst the player's avatar moved up, stopping the 'scrolling' movement when the avatar reached a certain fixed Y position), so, I would need to implement these from scratch. The way I chose to implement the viewport scrolling was by having a Vector2D to hold the current 'top left corner' of the viewport. Although, for some reason, I called the variable topRightCorner when I made it, and I didn't realize this mistake (and rename it) until a few minutes ago, but it still was the top-left corner. When drawing the model, it would translate the AffineTransform of the Graphics2D context by the x and y of that Vector2D, so all the subsequent draw operations on the PassageObjects would have that initial offset already applied to them, so, because they will have been moved, it looks like the viewport had been scrolled. This scrolling offset would be undone before displaying the 'buttons', so they would all remain in the fixed location at the bottom edge of the model.

This wasn't the first approach for scrolling which I thought of. Initially, I considered having a static 'offset' Vector2D in the AbstractObject class, my thought process being that I could subtract (or add) that from the position in the draw thread (so the resulting draw position would be offset appropriately). I actually started to implement that, however, this approach was abandoned upon realizing that it was inefficient (requiring the offset to be individually applied in every draw operation), and, due to how I opted to render the StringObjects and the PassageLinkObjects (pre-offset by the position of a 'parent' object, so they're at the origin of that object), this approach lead to those objects having twice as much scrolling applied to them than was intended. The final nail in the coffin of the first approach was the problem of clicking the objects. In the title screen menus for my previous games, they would be interactable via the user clicking the model, and then the game would see if the Point location of the click intersected with an 'areaRectangle' Rectangle of some of the GameObjects which should do something when clicked; if they intersected, the update loop would then perform the appropriate action. However, with this approach, there wasn't an easy way to offset the 'areaRectangle's for the PassageObjects, to make them clickable after the scroll, without leaving these untouched for the ModelButtonObjects, so they would remain clickable.

This issue with clicking was avoided entirely with the 'top right corner' approach. I stored each of the ModelButtonObjects as raw variables in the PassageModel, so, in the 'left click' method of the PassageModel, it could first use the raw, non-offset, Point mouse position, seeing if any of those buttons were pressed individually via a sequence of 'if-else if...' statements (to check if the point intersected with a given button, and, if one does intersect, it was pressed, so the action which was supposed to happen in response could happen). If none of those buttons were pressed, it would go to the 'else' branch, to see if it intersected with the areaRectangle of any PassageObject. However, before attempting to find the clicked passage (if any), it translates the click location Point by the topLeftCorner Vector2D's x and y values, then sees if this translated point intersects with a PassageObject (opening the appropriate PassageEditorWindow for the clicked PassageObject, if one was clicked). In other words, instead of moving every 'hitbox', I'm just moving the single thing that is supposed to hit the 'hitboxes'.

This approach was also used for the 'dragging passage objects by holding the mouse down on them' functionality of the PassageModel. In the 'left press' function, I start off by translating the mouse press location by the scroll amount, but, I then store the translated press location in the PassageModel, as a 'currentLeftDragPos' Vector2D. Then, if this translated mouse position intersects with a PassageObject, I put that in a set of 'selected' objects, and call a 'selected' method of that PassageObject, which gives it a blue overlay when drawn. Then, in the 'left mouse drag' function, I translate the mouse input by the scroll offset (again), convert it to a Vector2D, find the difference between the 'currentLeftDragPos' set in the most recent function call and the current one, and overwrite the 'currentLeftDragPos' with the current translated mouse position. Then, with the already-found difference, I can then move the selected passage object(s) by calling their 'move(Vector2D moveVector)' methods (updating their positions by the mouse movement vector), before then invalidating and repainting the model. The 'selected' set is cleared (also deselecting any 'selected' objects) within the 'left release' method of the PassageModel, called when the left mouse button is released. It also appears that the Java Virtual Machine can differentiate between mouse clicks and holding the mouse, so, at least from my experience, the dragging doesn't accidentally lead to an editor window being opened.

Now the scrolling has been discussed, I should probably cover the resizing. There were two ways I could have done this (or three, if you count 'not letting the user resize the window'). I could have made the various viewable components in the passage model have a constant relative size, so, when the user resizes the window, I would need to apply a scaling operation to the affine transformation when drawing the window, so everything would be rendered at the same scale relative to the window. I decided against this approach, partially due to the potential problems with resizing the clickable areas for all the passage objects, but also because it would mean that the user's viewport of the passage map would always be restricted to a single, relatively small area of it, which could get frustrating, and it could lead to the view appearing too zoomed in. So, I opted for the other approach; extending the drawable area when the window is resized, allowing more of the passages to be rendered. When Java is rendering graphics, the top-left corner of the viewable area is considered to be the origin, so, regardless of how big/small the viewable area is, the offset from that will remain constant. I was able to just add a ComponentListener to the JFrame in the OhHeccNetworkFrame in order to listen for window resize events, and then get that to call the setSize method of the View, which it had inherited from the JComponent base class, in order to resize the drawable area of the PassageModel. However, there was one problem (technically four) which still needed to be addressed; the ModelButttonObjects.

These needed to remain at the bottom of the viewable model, like a toolbar of sorts, and had to collectively fill the horizontal width of the viewable model, regardless of the current horizontal width of the model. I had already defined each button to start/end at a certain relative position on the 'toolbar' at the bottom of the model, expressed as a float, so all I needed to get now was the total width/total height of the model so it could be rendered at the appropriate position/width. The first solution I used for this problem was honestly terrible; I made the width and height of the model static, and accessed those via static references in a resize operation for the buttons, called by the PassageModel's resize operation, whenever that gets called itself by the View's resize operation. I then realized that this, again, was a stupid idea, because I could just pass the new size from that resize operation directly to the resize operation of the buttons, omitting the need for any reference-related tomfoolery. The positions of these are also set with the resize operation, such that the middle of the rectangles are at the fixed relative position at the bottom of the viewable model at all times, mostly so the StringObjects displayed over the buttons can be rendered there, just like with the StringObjects on the PassageObjects. Finally, as mentioned earlier, these 'button' objects are, in reality, mostly decorative. Yes, they have a method which can detect if they are clicked, and return true if they are clicked. However, the buttons themselves are not responsible for doing the action which is performed after they're pressed; that's done by the PassageModel itself, because trying to make the buttons themselves call a method reference to do a certain thing would just be overcomplicating matters.

The StringObject simply renders a string on the model, via the drawString method of Graphics2D. This was repurposed from a few of my earlier projects, so, it has a few bits of additional functionality built in to it, mostly to make it look nicer. In the constructor, it's possible to specify initial text for it, as well as an alignment for the string when rendering it. In the MVP iteration of this class, there was functionality to define what font should be used for the text, however, upon realizing that not every user may have the font I might want to use installed, I have opted to make it simply render the text using a bold version of the default font used by the JVM on the user's own computer (in my case, it defaults to Segoe UI). The alignment options work by rendering the text at a different location relative to the actual 'position' vector of the StringObject. The drawString method of Graphics2D takes an x and y position as arguments along with the actual String being rendered, rendering the string such that the first character is at the specified position. When using the StringObject.LEFT_ALIGN setting, I don't modify the rendering position, so the string is rendered aligned to the position on the left. For the MIDDLE_ALIGN and RIGHT_ALIGN modes, I use the getFontMetrics method of the Graphics2D object to obtain a FontMetrics object for the current font, which I then use to find the total width of the String I'm trying to draw. This is probably not the most efficient way of obtaining this width data, as I need to re-obtain the FontMetrics for every single StringObject in every draw operation, even if they all have the same font. However, there is no way to obtain FontMetrics outside of the draw operation, and doing it like this does mean that there is still the option of giving different StringObjects different fonts, without breaking the alignment code for them. Once I have this width, I can then offset the x position used for rendering the StringObject by a desired amount, depending on the alignment. For the MIDDLE_ALIGN mode, I subtract half the width from x, so the midpoint is at the 'position' of the StringObject. For RIGHT_ALIGN, I subtract the full width from x, so the StringObject is rendered such that the right edge is aligned with the 'position'. Within OH-HECC, I only used the MIDDLE_ALIGN option, so I could have omitted the left/right alignment settings from it, but I kept them in there, just in case I found a reason to use them. The outlines that these strings have are rendered in a way that basically is cheating. I could have tried to obtain the outline shapes for every single character, and rendered them over every character, giving them a perfect black outline. But that would have been too convoluted, when there's a much simpler workaround. When obtaining the offset for x necessary to render the string with the desired horizontal alignment, I had it stored as a local variable within the method, meaning I wouldn't need to recalculate it. I then render the string four times, in black, with x/y positions that are +/-1 pixel from the calculated offset position. Then, I render the string one final time, this time in white, at the precalculated offset (no +/-ing involved). Because the black copies of the string had been offset from the white copy, they, when combined, look just like a single black outline for the white string. This method isn't entirely perfect, as parts of the default string with a height/width of 1 pixel will not have an outline next to the edge which is 1 pixel long, such as the sides of the dot on a lowercase 'i'. This could easily be fixed by adding another four black strings to the 'outline', these ones being +/-1 in one axis only (no offset on the other axis), however, I opted not to do this, because I would almost be doubling the draw operations for the StringObject, for a minor problem that is only present in very few situations. I did mitigate the problem anyway by making the Graphics2D object render them in a bold version of the default font, and bold fonts tend to not have many single-pixel elements in them anyway, further reducing the number of cases where this problem could appear. There is one limitation to the StringObject: They cannot render a string with newlines. These only use a single drawString call (if you don't count the outlining), and the drawString method cannot draw newlines, so, if I wanted to render multiple lines of text, I would need to use multiple StringObjects. However, OH-HECC doesn't need to do this anyway, so this problem has been avoided. I was also considering adding in something that could be used to cut off the string if it had a width beyond a certain horizontal limit, so the text on the PassageObjects would not expand past the bounds of the PassageObject's shape. I opted against this, mostly because I actually liked the appearance of the text occasionally going over the limit of the bounds, and also because, if by letting a user see the full passage names at all time in the editor, they won't be able to mistake one passage for another.

Now, the functionality of OH-HECC. In the MVP iteration, the buttons along the bottom of the 'model' would, when clicked, allow the user to save their .hecc file, save their .hecc file and close OH-HECC, open the metadata editor window to edit the game's metadata, and add a new parentless passage to the passage map. Initially, the PassageModel was also responsible for performing every single operation on the raw passage map/EditableMetadata, however, a lot of that logic had been moved to the GameDataObject later on. The only PassageMap logic retained within the PassageModel was that which directly involved the map of PassageObjects etc within the PassageModel as well. This selection of options would be enough to make OH-HECC usable for its intended purpose of allowing users to edit a .hecc file. Later on, the 'save and quit' button would be replaced with one that would save the game and open HECC-UP, to make HECC-IT somewhat more 'integrated'. I also created a PassageStatus enum, which an EditablePassage would have, accessible via a method in the PassageEditingInterface, to indicate the 'status' of the passage. At first, a passage had only three 'states'; It could be a NORMAL passage (at least one link), an END_NODE (no links), or it could be a DELETED_LINK (if it had a link to a passage that had since been deleted, denoted by the ! WAS DELETED ! suffix appended to the end of the passage name in the links to it in other passages upon deletion). Then, in the constructor and update method for the PassageObject, it would query the 'status' for the passage it was associated with, so, depending on the status, the fill colour for the PassageObject would change appropriately; NORMAL passages would be orange, END_NODEs would be yellow, and DELETED_LINKs would be red. This meant that an author could spot any problems with deleted links in the overview of the network of connected passages, without needing to look through the editing window of each passage individually.

On that note, I also added a StartHighlightObject, which would appear as a rounded light-blue rectangle, which would appear around the start passage. Whenever the start passage's name was changed (whether due to the passage itself being renamed, or due to the metadata referencing a different start passage), the appropriate PassageObject would be found, and would be given to the StartHighlightObject, which it would reference as an AbstractObject, as it would only need to access the Vector2D position of it (this reference would later be abstracted out further to be performed via an ObjectWithAPosition interface). The StartHighlightObject would be drawn before anything else, so it would appear as if the start object has a blue highlight around it; this, in turn, will allow the author to see what the current start object is, so, if the wrong passage is being used as the start passage, the author can easily see this, and will know that they need to fix it.

Figure(s) 28: Some screenshots to show the basic functionality for OH-HECC

Here is a screenshot of the OH-HECC passage model:

oh-hecc screenshot

Here is a screenshot of the same passage map, but with the window successfully resized:

oh-hecc screenshot resized

Here is another screenshot of that passage map, with the viewport scrolled as well:

oh-hecc screenshot scrolled

Here's yet another screenshot, this time with the passage objects moved around:

oh-hecc screenshot moved around

Here's a screenshot of what it looks like when a new passage is added to the passage map:

oh-hecc screenshot new link

Here's what it looks like when we delete bob, leaving Right with a deleted link:

oh-hecc screenshot deleted link

There was some other functionality which I was considering adding to OH-HECC which I never quite got around to doing. The PassageModel contains an inner CurrentActivity enum, which contains all of the actions I considered allowing the author to do. In short, the author was supposed to be allowed to be doing nothing (implemented in MVP), have an editing dialog open (implemented in MVP), have some objects selected (somewhat implemented), move aforementioned selected objects (implemented in MVP), hold the right mouse button to move the view around (implemented as of the time of writing this report), and be able to drag a selection box to select multiple objects at once by holding the left mouse button (unimplemented). There was a BUTTON_PRESSED value in that enum as well, but that was ultimately rendered redundant as those activities generally fell under the umbrella category of DIALOG_OPEN. The purpose of this enum was to ensure that the author wouldn't be trying to do two separate editing operations on the view at once, via switch statements in every 'receiving input' method, only performing certain actions in response to the input if the current activity allowed the activity to happen. Below is a full state machine of how exactly that worked:

Figure 29: The 'CurrentActivity' logic within OH-HECC, expressed as a state machine

PassageModel Activity State Machine

I was also planning on adding some sort of method that the author could use to search through the map of passages for a given passage, however, I never got around to adding that.

Finally, for the save routine in the PassageModel, I also implemented a 'fallback' of sorts, in case there was a problem writing to the .hecc file. In these cases, the user would be informed via a JOptionPane about the save operation failing, so the 'emergency save routine' would be used instead. After dismissing that dialog, the user is presented with a new JFrame; at the top, there are some JLabels to tell the user that this is their .hecc code; in the final version, it makes it more explicit that they need to copy and paste the .hecc code into a new .hecc file manually. Below that is a (read-only) JTextArea in a JScrollPane, containing the .hecc code. It's presented in a JTextArea because, by having it in a JTextArea, the user can actually select the text, allowing them to simply copy and paste it into a new .hecc file manually. It isn't a very elegant solution to these sorts of problems, however, in the cases where this fallback has to be used instead of the normal save routine, 'elegance' is going to be the least of the user's concerns. A screenshot of this is below:

Figure 30: OH-HECC's emergency save routine

emergency save routine

The entire 'MVC' part of OH-HECC wasn't unit tested, mostly due to the inherent awkwardness with unit-testing a GUI. So, I improvised with a main method that would read a pre-defined .hecc file, parse it into the game data, and then open that game data within OH-HECC. I informally played around with the editor, to see if everything behaved as expected, and for the most part, it did. So, as far as I was concerned for the MVP, it was good enough.

Now, with the main editing GUI of OH-HECC done, there was just the problem of how the user would open OH-HECC to edit their .hecc files (and yes, the class diagram for OH-HECC will be shown after that last part)

3.2.2.D: ChooseFile and OhHeccRunner

I knew I needed a GUI which could be used to create a new .hecc file, or select an existing .hecc file, which could then be opened in OH-HECC. So, I started to create one, planning on effectively repurposing the existing 'choose a .hecc file' code from HECC-UP. However, there was the problem of what I wanted it to look like. I wanted to give users the option to either create a new .hecc file or start editing an existing .hecc file, and I didn't want it to look like one option was more important than the other. Therefore, I chose to put the two next to each other. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure how to code this manually, so I decided to try using IntelliJ's GUI designer to implement this. The 'create file' area would need two text fields (for a game title and author name), with a button which would open a JFileChooser, allowing the user to choose where they want to save their new .hecc file, before automatically opening OH-HECC properly. The 'open file' area would need a JTextArea to show the filepath of the currently-selected file (if any), a button to open a JFileChooser to select a .hecc file, and a button, only visible after a file has been chosen, which then needs to parse the .hecc file and open it in OH-HECC.

Using the GUI designer, I was able to put together the 'ChooseFile' panel, which looked like this:

Figure 30: The 'ChooseFile' panel

ChooseFile panel

I wasn't able to get both of the main panels in this to be the same size as each other without removing the vertical bar between them, and, in the final iteration (not in MVP version), that vertical bar was removed. One rather nice design choice with the ChooseFile class is that the class effectively only constructs a JPanel to put the GUI on, instead of constructing a JFrame to put the GUI on. This means that the main OhHeccRunner class can create a JFrame, then constructs an instance of this ChooseFile class (making this GUI), obtains the the JPanel constructed by this class, and then puts it on the main JFrame. Then, when launching the actual OH-HECC editor, instead of opening a new JFrame which the user would then need to manually navigate to, the existing JFrame can be passed to the OhHeccNetworkFrame, basically keeping this all in a single JFrame. However, once opening the 'OH-HECC' editor, the program cannot go back to this 'choose file' screen, so a user would need to reopen the program.

Like in the MetadataEditorWindow, I have the same sort of automatic validation built in to the game title and author name inputs, so, if the inputs are invalid, the text will be rendered in red. However, to get the point across to the author even more explicitly, these text fields also have an InputVerifier specified for them: the author won't be able to start editing the other input field unless they fix the invalid input in that input field. They can still press the button to try making the .hecc file, but it will complain about the invalid input being there. There is one more check which isn't performed in the EditableMetadata: the title will be checked to see if it would be usable as part of a valid filename, by seeing if a Path can be constructed in the form titleInput.hecc: If this fails (due to the title input not being usable in a filename), the title will be deemed as invalid. This additional check is performed because the new .hecc file constructed will be called titleInput.hecc (replace 'titleInput' with whatever name was input in the title input JTextField), and an author would probably prefer it if this check was performed sooner, rather than later, when they're actually trying to save their .hecc file. Some screenshots of this validation in action are below:

Figure(s) 31: The ChooseFile panel upon entering invalid metadata

invalid author

invalid author pls to fix

invalid title pls to fix

The 'open existing hecc file' panel is much less interesting. It does exactly the same thing as the 'open hecc file' part of HECC-UP, asking the user to select a .hecc file. When one has been selected, it will show the selected .hecc file, and it will reveal the button which can be used to start editing that hecc file. This can be seen in the below screenshot:

Figure 32: The ChooseFile panel after the user selects a .hecc file

picked a file

That is just the surface-level functionality. There's a lot more going on under the hood. The functions which create the .hecc file/open a .hecc file for editing aren't actually held within the ChooseFile class. Instead, those methods belong to the OhHeccRunner class. An existing .hecc file is edited with openAndStartEditingFileAtLocation (takes a Path to a .hecc file as an input, attempts to parse it into a GameDataObject, before trying to open it in the editor), whilst a new .hecc file is created for editing in makeNewHeccFileAtLocation (takes a Path to the new .hecc file, along with a MetadataEditingInterface constructed by ChooseFile holding the inputs, before constructing a GameDataObject with that Path/Metadata, writing that gamedata to a newly-made empty .hecc file at the specified path, before opening that GameDataObject in the editor). If there is a problem with these operations, these methods will return false. These are passed to ChooseFile via functional interfaces (specifically, a Predicate<Path> and a BiPredicate<Path, MetadataEditingInterface>), allowing ChooseFile to use those methods without ChooseFile ever needing to reference the OhHeccRunner itself. This approach was used because, that way, I could create a main method inside the ChooseFile class to run ChooseFile and verify that it worked correctly, without needing to create the OhHeccRunner class.

The specific way that ChooseFile called those methods is a bit on the convoluted side. When the buttons are pressed, the opening of the JFileChooser (and, in the case of the 'make file' button, double-checking that the inputs are valid) happens first. Once the .hecc file/the path to the .hecc file has been found, the lambda operation which actually parses the .hecc and opens OH-HECC is performed using an anonymous SwingWorker. I chose to do it in a SwingWorker thread instead of doing it in the event handling thread, just in case it takes a long time to parse the .hecc file (which could be an issue if it's a very long .hecc file), so the entire program doesn't freeze in the meantime.

3.2.2.E: Some last minute changes to HECC-UP

It was at this point when I found out that, when I was creating the regexes for OH-HECC, I accidentally made HECC-UP's hecc parsing somewhat incompatible with OH-HECC's (meaning that a .hecc file produced by OH-HECC wouldn't actually be read properly by HECC-UP). Therefore, to minimize code duplication, I added a dependency between HECC-UP's passage/metadata classes and OH-HECC's passage/ metadata interfaces, thereby ensuring both could use the same regexes/parsing methods, without needing to completely rewrite them from scratch. I also chose to make one final improvement to HECC-UP: upon successfully exporting a game, the author is now asked if they want to open the game to test it out. If the user selects yes, I use Java's Desktop API to try opening the exported index.html file in the author's default browser (allowing them to play the game). The final improvement was that when clicking on the 'choose file' buttons when that particular file had already been chosen, the JFileChooser would start from that currently selected file, instead of going back to the default directory, just in case the user wanted a different file from that same directory (or from a nearby directory).

3.2.2.F: The Long-Awaited Class Diagram

Finally, here's a class diagram for the entirety of the MVP version of OH-HECC (and HECC-UP).

Figure 33: A full class diagram for the entire MVP iteration of HECC-IT.
