- Added /indexes/{market_id}/{id} and /companies/public_treasury/{coin_id} endpoints
- Added asset_platforms (/asset_platforms) and categories (/coins/categories/list, coins/categories) endpoints
- Allow Python Lists and Booleans for any endpoint parameter (list converted to comma-separated string & bool converted to lower case string)
- Removed /indexes/{id} endpoint (Get market index by id) -> cg.get_indexes_by_id()
- Improved request exceptions handling (Fixed unbound local exception on GET request failure)
- fixed __api_url_params issue for optional parametes of few endpoints (such as /coins/{id}/market_chart)
- added new endpoints (/coins/{id}/ohlc, /search/trending, /global/decentralized_finance_defi)
- updated tests
- allow optional arguments for ALL endopoints
- added indexes endpoints (/indexes, /indexes/{id}, /indexes/list)
- added derivatives endpoints (/derivatives, /derivatives/exchanges, /derivatives/exchanges/{id}, /derivatives/exchanges/list)
- updated tests
- included more contract endpoints
- included /coins/{id}/market_chart/range endpoint
- basic methods for finance endpoints with tests
- updated error handling
- added check for json format in __request; coingecko returns a html string when something goes wrong in the request, which results in an error when json.loads is called on the html string.
- included /exchanges/{id}/volume_chart endpoint
- exceptions include API error message
- fix get_coin_market_chart_by_id test
- Use a list or tuple for multiple-valued arguments
- convert every list arg to comma-separated string
- Fixed arguments for get_token_price
- Added get_token_price function
- README incude examples
- included /exchanges/list endpoint
- added /coins/{id}/tickers endpoint
- included events endpoints
- included status_updates endpoints
- updated exchanges endpoints
- updated coins endpoints
- included simple endpoints
- use requests session to include retries
- Fixed bug when querying exchanges and added more unit tests
- First unit tests for coingecko wrappers
- initial commit