Well, this is embarassing...
I've accidentally compiled 999 ELF files with my password somewhere along the line, one character at a time.
Solve these in order, each accepting one ASCII character.
Keep going...eventually combining these solutions will match the regular expression RITSEC{.*}
Good luck, and thanks for the help!
My solution is a simple script, that brute-forces all printable characters for all the 999 binaries. It took some time to execute but nevertheless revealed the flag.
from pwn import *
text = ''
for i in range(1, 1000):
found = False
for c in range(33, 127):
p = process('{:03d}.c.out'.format(i))
p.sendlineafter('What is my character?\n', chr(c))
r = p.recvall()
if 'Nope!' not in r:
text += chr(c)
found = True
if not found:
print 'FAIL'
print text
flag: RITSEC{AuT057v}