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Stack Layout

0phoff edited this page Nov 17, 2023 · 7 revisions

The Stack layout is a default variant with the stack class applied to its ::content:: slot.

Compared to the column and row layouts, this layout uses a flexbox instead of grid. This means the size of the rows/columns are defined by the size of the children instead of being equally distributed.


Name Type Description Default
color String Which color to setup as slidev-theme-primary for that slide kul-blue-600
content-class String CSS classes to add to the ::content:: slot wrapper div



The elements inside of the content slot get placed in the white area of the slide with a flexbox. Check out our slots guide for more information about the inner workings of this slot.

You can easily override the basic stack styles by providing UnoCSS classes to the content-class argument.


This slot allows you to add some text in the footer (next to the eavise icon). By default the text is slightly smaller and colored similarly to the rest of the footer, though it is easily overridable by providing your own styles for :deep(.slot-footer).




layout: stack

# Slide Title

Each element of the content slot gets stacked with a flexbox.

1. ABC
2. DEF

By default the content is centered on the page.

Justify Start


layout: stack
content-class: justify-start gap-8

# Slide Title

Each element of the content slot gets stacked with a flexbox.

1. ABC
2. DEF

We put the content at the top and added a gap between each element.

Justify Between


layout: stack
content-class: justify-between py-15

# Slide Title

Each element of the content slot gets stacked with a flexbox.

1. ABC
2. DEF

We added vertical padding and spread out the elements in the remaining space.

Flexible Columns


layout: stack
content-class: flex-row px-15 gap-10

# Slide Title

Each element of the content slot gets stacked with a flexbox.

We changed the orientation and added horizontal padding and a gap between the elements.
