Skycoin command line interface
The CLI command APIs can be used directly from a Go application, see Skycoin CLI Godoc.
- Install
- Environment Settings
- Usage
- Add Private Key
- Check address balance
- Generate addresses
- Generate distribution addresses for a new fiber coin
- Check address outputs
- Check block data
- Check database integrity
- Create a raw transaction
- Create an unsigned raw transaction
- Sign an unsigned raw transaction
- Decode a raw transaction
- Encode a JSON transaction
- Broadcast a raw transaction
- Create a wallet
- Add addresses to a wallet
- Scan addresses in a wallet
- Export a specific key from an HD wallet
- Encrypt Wallet
- Examples
- Decrypt Wallet
- Example
- Last blocks
- List wallet addresses
- List wallets
- Send
- Show Seed
- Show Config
- Status
- Get transaction
- Get address transactions
- Verify address
- Check wallet balance
- List wallet transaction history
- List wallet outputs
- Richlist
- Address Count
- CLI version
- Distribute coins from genesis block
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go install ./...
The CLI uses environment variable to manage the configurations.
CLI will connect to skycoin node REST API address
by default.
You can change the address by setting the RPC_ADDR
environment variable
with the following command:
$ export RPC_ADDR=
must be in scheme://host
A username for authenticating requests to the skycoin node.
$ export RPC_USER=...
A password for authenticating requests to the skycoin node.
$ export RPC_PASS=...
After the installation, you can run skycoin-cli
to see the usage:
$ skycoin-cli
skycoin-cli [command] [flags] [arguments...]
The skycoin command line interface
addPrivateKey Add a private key to wallet
addressBalance Check the balance of specific addresses
addressGen Generate skycoin or bitcoin addresses
addressOutputs Display outputs of specific addresses
addressTransactions Show detail for transaction associated with one or more specified addresses
addresscount Get the count of addresses with unspent outputs (coins)
blocks Lists the content of a single block or a range of blocks
broadcastTransaction Broadcast a raw transaction to the network
checkDBDecoding Verify the database data encoding
checkdb Verify the database
createRawTransaction Create a raw transaction that can be broadcast to the network later
decodeRawTransaction Decode raw transaction
decryptWallet Decrypt a wallet
distributeGenesis Distributes the genesis block coins into the configured distribution addresses
encodeJsonTransaction Encode JSON transaction
encryptWallet Encrypt wallet
fiberAddressGen Generate addresses and seeds for a new fiber coin
help Help about any command
lastBlocks Displays the content of the most recently N generated blocks
listAddresses Lists all addresses in a given wallet
listWallets Lists all wallets stored in the wallet directory
pendingTransactions Get all unconfirmed transactions
richlist Get skycoin richlist
send Send skycoin from a wallet or an address to a recipient address
showConfig Show cli configuration
showSeed Show wallet seed and seed passphrase
status Check the status of current Skycoin node
transaction Show detail info of specific transaction
verifyAddress Verify a skycoin address
verifyTransaction Verify if the specific transaction is spendable
version List the current version of Skycoin components
walletAddAddresses Generate additional addresses for a deterministic, bip44 or xpub wallet
walletBalance Check the balance of a wallet
walletCreate Create a new wallet
walletHistory Display the transaction history of specific wallet. Requires skycoin node rpc.
walletKeyExport Export a specific key from an HD wallet
walletOutputs Display outputs of specific wallet
-h, --help help for skycoin-cli
--version version for skycoin-cli
Use "skycoin-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
RPC_ADDR: Address of RPC node. Must be in scheme://host format. Default ""
RPC_USER: Username for RPC API, if enabled in the RPC.
RPC_PASS: Password for RPC API, if enabled in the RPC.
COIN: Name of the coin. Default "skycoin"
DATA_DIR: Directory where everything is stored. Default "$HOME/.$COIN/"
Add a private key to a skycoin wallet. Wallet type must be "collection".
$ skycoin-cli addPrivateKey [wallet] [private key]
-p, --password string Wallet password
$ skycoin-cli addPrivateKey $WALLET_FILE $PRIVATE_KEY
$ success
Check balance of specific addresses, join multiple addresses with space.
$ skycoin-cli addressBalance [addresses]
$ skycoin-cli addressBalance 2iVtHS5ye99Km5PonsB42No3pQRGEURmxyc 2GgFvqoyk9RjwVzj8tqfcXVXB4orBwoc9qv
View Output
"confirmed": {
"coins": "324951.932000",
"hours": "166600293"
"spendable": {
"coins": "324951.932000",
"hours": "166600293"
"expected": {
"coins": "324951.932000",
"hours": "166600293"
"addresses": [
"confirmed": {
"coins": "2.000000",
"hours": "1158"
"spendable": {
"coins": "2.000000",
"hours": "1158"
"expected": {
"coins": "2.000000",
"hours": "1158"
"address": "2iVtHS5ye99Km5PonsB42No3pQRGEURmxyc"
"confirmed": {
"coins": "324949.932000",
"hours": "166599135"
"spendable": {
"coins": "324949.932000",
"hours": "166599135"
"expected": {
"coins": "324949.932000",
"hours": "166599135"
"address": "2GgFvqoyk9RjwVzj8tqfcXVXB4orBwoc9qv"
Generate skycoin or bitcoin addresses.
$ skycoin-cli addressGen [flags]
-c, --coin string Coin type. Must be skycoin or bitcoin. If bitcoin, secret keys are in Wallet Import Format instead of hex. (default "skycoin")
-x, --encrypt Encrypt the wallet when printing a JSON wallet
-e, --entropy int Entropy of the autogenerated bip39 seed, when the seed is not provided. Can be 128 or 256 (default 128)
--hex Use hex(sha256sum(rand(1024))) (CSPRNG-generated) as the seed if not seed is not provided
-i, --hide-secrets Hide the secret key and seed from the output when printing a JSON wallet file
-l, --label string Wallet label to use when printing or writing a wallet file
-m, --mode string Output mode. Options are wallet (prints a full JSON wallet), addresses (prints addresses in plain text), secrets (prints secret keys in plain text) (default "wallet")
-n, --num int Number of addresses to generate (default 1)
-s, --seed string Seed for deterministic key generation. Will use bip39 as the seed if not provided.
-t, --strict-seed Seed should be a valid bip39 mnemonic seed.
$ skycoin-cli addressGen --num 2
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"seed": "genius canyon asset swallow picture torch awkward radar nest bunker walnut garage"
"entries": [
"address": "2KC8vSgNXVZ6GMYY8edUqvRsbupZVwWKETe",
"public_key": "0215682c10f6293bf52c543787613e898f4e4af70aa87eac8848b0535d8b8c05f1",
"secret_key": "31d6f561dad49f2c60c02a97395a2f3df67bb9e092806356ddbb952556c96e82"
"address": "yzkv7v2T4fbQmZKdiLcq8tAHEVrVbrvGvh",
"public_key": "02dc8409077376bc8a834185739133f47805764f061103c88a4b5b0d2809b310b7",
"secret_key": "3ba5855ad3b1ec7e02918d5329dc5425690a93331514370d739f58556236c1ce"
$ skycoin-cli addressGen --num 2 --coin bitcoin
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "bitcoin",
"seed": "sun resemble crisp clerk square initial like urge abstract picnic impulse robot"
"entries": [
"address": "15FW6YEZuwr68h54DrXD3Tv1Cc1aKHoynF",
"public_key": "024529a5b1f1c110dd122598052115717a7a042b4831acbf234fe01968f82d1312",
"secret_key": "L3crKysGdHmKQ2j27wfgew4timWiUrPxwUi8FNE75S872C1K9pns"
"address": "1EBKC7u29ea1jPtEoC5LLMcXwpZBTmFxhs",
"public_key": "03faaff073f752cafccb3f639b2174e6c48b04a24cbdefafbfdbda2f54ba5e81a9",
"secret_key": "KxomKUvagGTviuxAr9HNRfXEaim4evvFJVGmuk2LYA5ZLXznvX6k"
$ skycoin-cli addressGen --num 2 --hide-secrets
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"seed": "walnut wise pluck sniff weird enable document special soul era mercy you"
"entries": [
"address": "27ohsY7Hg5dEDySUg17gStEQRzLFxE8mVrU",
"public_key": "02ead2834f41f91dd3847924f6257b2b852390708cd2c91db80f017fd21f9768af",
"secret_key": ""
"address": "2FHuME9U7CEN3vWwwRzJAgP4K2JKPfoRxzp",
"public_key": "03af027c379b380c009cbefc3b251e7b42af9753125a8d9ef0a50249e97060c673",
"secret_key": ""
$ skycoin-cli addressGen --num 2 --mode addresses
NOTE: If no seed is provided with the
--seed flag
flag is not used then bip39 is used to generate a seed
$ skycoin-cli addressGen --num 2 --seed "my super secret seed"
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"seed": "my super secret seed"
"entries": [
"address": "NMwevFV1NhPSp8H4QHPQyDuKCkLjsQ5zRb",
"public_key": "03a0571ef3ac621aa1fe950753110187bd096a32cc791f227406badbc21676743c",
"secret_key": "0977909e18ef6b3dbc522e79c26c3113ab6d4ae7a9f4a848dcd49e5b4634a77c"
"address": "a1ec9zaxj5ndhteyJeocdhYFLHfvm86UPG",
"public_key": "021990611d33bdc3ca70da07b1e4f8a1928a6cb369fb343d4b2ce0c0b123273387",
"secret_key": "e08dd4de4920edc1ae5aa2260167657e64a5ff146b90d21fb1a39294c94c940c"
skycoin-cli addressGen --num 2 --hex
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"seed": "d5fa95cc3bd265c9ef99e7c2b300f0ede75375fbb76b2329bd5877631c315068"
"entries": [
"address": "2URMzEQ2A1xuf3GGN6Tr8tucCzJKYVpj9Fz",
"public_key": "03d5e38c96829dbc8b873822ba29ebb7cf5c8c32c386348f032d523f0640c31640",
"secret_key": "e0eccbd416b9fb8a109426681e890362a24491072edd8275a29b1878874fc9b4"
"address": "2Qct8BmaCvMfPUnMCtTj5sMLNNoLbshAxoe",
"public_key": "0241404173e29d9ae4a16c6496baff72cfd94fca16c727b7b1192bdeb736ced278",
"secret_key": "972c0596a442d495fda1bba055df6334aa0121376248f19194ddc602368bda30"
skycoin-cli fiberAddressGen [flags]
Addresses are written in a format that can be copied into fiber.toml
for configuring distribution addresses. Addresses along with their seeds are written to a csv file,
these seeds can be imported into the wallet to access distribution coins.
-a, --addres-file string Output file for the generated addresses in fiber.toml format (default "addresses.txt")
-e, --entropy int Entropy of the autogenerated bip39 seeds. Can be 128 or 256 (default 128)
-n, --num int Number of addresses to generate (default 100)
-o, --overwrite Allow overwriting any existing addrs-file or seeds-file
-s, --seeds-file string Output file for the generated addresses and seeds in a csv (default "seeds.csv")
skycoin-cli fiberAddressGen
Display outputs of specific addresses, join multiple addresses with space.
$ skycoin-cli addressOutputs [address list]
skycoin-cli addressOutputs tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V 29fDBQuJs2MDLymJsjyWH6rDjsyv995SrGU
View Output
"outputs": {
"head": {
"seq": 148674,
"block_hash": "f95885435045e267c95607c897e66168bae909ababf3dfe98c55cf30d0a87332",
"previous_block_hash": "b8760f7fc9349901db79333658103ff387a5700fc64a0bbc9e7afc17f3a3d58b",
"timestamp": 1604826679,
"fee": 436,
"version": 0,
"tx_body_hash": "0e135542bd8caf3d6c49707336e5a69fbb5ba1918e098ac287a3cf555b8bb98d",
"ux_hash": "e155735d7aac020930a8f92fb1fbb5d196b75421fca4cc23a4a5a890e8a3bea9"
"head_outputs": [
"hash": "f5f838edf75b68882cacb7fa071538bcf800515d5a7f42e3a8c5e6d681879a82",
"time": 1522603686,
"block_seq": 20256,
"src_tx": "cd0725e9cfc23cfed279aeda70b765238d0cc282406c48f811c6ad2874593f03",
"address": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "0.500000",
"hours": 43,
"calculated_hours": 122
"hash": "b2182ec3481f7af9884e4839016a145c07b66fce68c3b9ff04d897d1f1db5717",
"time": 1522603586,
"block_seq": 20255,
"src_tx": "48b385567796725212ed8195a9437b15d5cd82186205b9d8fd027fa75f98060e",
"address": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "0.500000",
"hours": 173,
"calculated_hours": 252
"hash": "86ba8131756b4db5e163d38aa119ff07e4bd3fe05bbf3c28cef8471648d77080",
"time": 1517145975,
"block_seq": 12675,
"src_tx": "ad191f910e5508e0b0e0ab24ba815e784a1a2b63ca21043e7746bebf25106742",
"address": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1232,
"calculated_hours": 2906
"outgoing_outputs": [],
"incoming_outputs": []
Lists the content of a single block or a range of blocks
$ skycoin-cli blocks [starting block or single block seq] [ending block seq]
$ skycoin-cli blocks 41 42
View Output
"blocks": [
"header": {
"seq": 41,
"block_hash": "08f89cfe92be09e9848ba4d77c300908761354933f80401c107644feab1f4c9e",
"previous_block_hash": "fad5aca57144cbc86ad916492e814ec84c825d9870a86beac81980de30b0ae60",
"timestamp": 1429058524,
"fee": 4561,
"version": 0,
"tx_body_hash": "cf4fe76a08e3296b6f6abdb949604409be66574f211d9d14fde39103c4cfe1d6",
"ux_hash": "d3f60f0d20aeac951aacab8d849696cac54c7057da741cfd90b63018100818d0"
"body": {
"txns": [
"length": 220,
"type": 0,
"txid": "cf4fe76a08e3296b6f6abdb949604409be66574f211d9d14fde39103c4cfe1d6",
"inner_hash": "2f5942207104d52dbd6191684b2a97392e616b7fa51dde314dbddd58d34b8027",
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "195f5e50b4eed1ec7ff968feca90356285437adc8ccfcf6623b55a4eebf7bbb5",
"dst": "R6aHqKWSQfvpdo2fGSrq4F1RYXkBWR9HHJ",
"coins": "969790.000000",
"hours": 760
"uxid": "6bbf13da052e1baade111ae8bb85548732532c8f5286eba8345d436d315d1c93",
"dst": "qxmeHkwgAMfwXyaQrwv9jq3qt228xMuoT5",
"coins": "9000.000000",
"hours": 760
"size": 220
"header": {
"seq": 42,
"block_hash": "60a17e0cf411e5db7150272e597d343beaa5fbce5d61f6f647a14288262593b1",
"previous_block_hash": "08f89cfe92be09e9848ba4d77c300908761354933f80401c107644feab1f4c9e",
"timestamp": 1429058594,
"fee": 292512,
"version": 0,
"tx_body_hash": "0e91a08561e85a36ddf44e77b9228f7d561c18c0b46d19083d4af511085b697e",
"ux_hash": "9173768496bc49e2a34d5a7ea65d05ad6507dfdb489836e861b3c03d35efeb7a"
"body": {
"txns": [
"length": 317,
"type": 0,
"txid": "0e91a08561e85a36ddf44e77b9228f7d561c18c0b46d19083d4af511085b697e",
"inner_hash": "d78230e22b358d7cc8d491adb3c0ec1e77a5170602a4ec92d700c4b4bb101f98",
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "19efa2bd8c59623a092612c511fb66333e2049a57d546269c19255852056fead",
"dst": "qxmeHkwgAMfwXyaQrwv9jq3qt228xMuoT5",
"coins": "9000.000000",
"hours": 48752
"uxid": "9953e00abe05db134510693a44b8928ca9b29d0009b38d9c4f8dcdedee7edc35",
"dst": "4EHiTjCsxQmt4wRy5yJxBMcxsM5yGqtuqu",
"coins": "1000.000000",
"hours": 48752
"size": 317
Checks if the given database file contains valid skycoin blockchain data
If no argument is given, the default data.db
in $HOME/.$COIN/
will be checked.
$ skycoin-cli checkdb [db path]
$ skycoin-cli checkdb $DB_PATH
View Output
check db success
Create a raw transaction that can be broadcasted later. A raw transaction is a binary encoded hex string.
$ skycoin-cli createRawTransaction [wallet] [to address] [amount] [flags]
-c, --change-address string Specify the change address.
Defaults to one of the spending addresses (deterministic wallets) or to a new change address (bip44 wallets).
--csv string CSV file containing addresses and amounts to send
-a, --from-address string From address in wallet
-j, --json Returns the results in JSON format.
-m, --many string use JSON string to set multiple receive addresses and coins,
example: -m '[{"addr":"$addr1", "coins": "10.2"}, {"addr":"$addr2", "coins": "20"}]'
-p, --password string Wallet password
$ skycoin-cli createRawTransaction $WALLET_FILE $RECIPIENT_ADDRESS $AMOUNT -a $FROM_ADDRESS
View Output
$ skycoin-cli createRawTransaction $WALLET_FILE -a $FROM_ADDRESS -m '[{"addr":"$ADDR1", "coins": "$AMT1"}, {"addr":"$ADDR2", "coins": "$AMT2"}]'
$ cat <<EOF > $CSV_FILE
$ skycoin-cli createRawTransaction $WALLET_FILE -a $FROM_ADDRESS --csv $CSV_FILE
View Output
NOTE: When sending to multiple addresses each combination of address and coins need to be unique Otherwise you get,
ERROR: Duplicate output in transaction
$ skycoin-cli createRawTransaction $WALLET_FILE $RECIPIENT_ADDRESS $AMOUNT -a $FROM_ADDRESS --json
View Output
"rawtx": "dc00000000c7425e5a49fce496d78ea9b04fc47e4126b91f675b00c16b3a7515c1555c252001000000115112dbb438b423dccd5f1afb7bce3d0cd4b87b57fd9fd3e5a26ee24e05fb696f0c7f3d6a84eafd80e051117162d790fa0e57c01a0e570b8ac0ae5faa5bf782000100000005e524872c838de517592c9a495d758b8ab2ec32d3e4d3fb131023a424386634020000000007445b5d6fbbb1a7d70bef941fb5da234a10fcae40420f000000000001000000000000000056500d41a1a6f1967ffe0074bb171148667ce20d0024f400000000009a05000000000000"
$ skycoin-cli createRawTransactionV2 [wallet] [to address] [amount] --unsign
$ skycoin-cli createRawTransactionV2 $WALLET_NAME $RECIPIENT_ADDRESS $AMOUNT --unsign
View Output
$ skycoin-cli signTransaction [wallet] [raw transaction]
$ skycoin-cli signTransaction $WALLET_FILE $RAW_TRANSACTION
View Output
$ skycoin-cli decodeRawTransaction [raw transaction]
Decode a raw skycoin transaction.
skycoin-cli decodeRawTransaction dc00000000247bd0f0a1cf39fa51ea3eca044e4d9cbb28fff5376e90e2eb008c9fe0af384301000000cf5869cb1b21da4da98bdb5dca57b1fd5a6fcbefd37d4f1eb332b21233f92cd62e00d8e2f1c8545142eaeed8fada1158dd0e552d3be55f18dd60d7e85407ef4f000100000005e524872c838de517592c9a495d758b8ab2ec32d3e4d3fb131023a424386634020000000007445b5d6fbbb1a7d70bef941fb5da234a10fcae40420f00000000000100000000000000008001532c3a705e7e62bb0bb80630ecc21a87ec090024f400000000009805000000000000
View Output
"length": 220,
"type": 0,
"txid": "ee700309aba9b8b552f1c932a667c3701eff98e71c0e5b0e807485cea28170e5",
"inner_hash": "247bd0f0a1cf39fa51ea3eca044e4d9cbb28fff5376e90e2eb008c9fe0af3843",
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "2f146924431e8c9b84a53d4d823acefb92515a264956d873ac86066c608af418",
"dst": "3vbfHxPzMuyFJvgHdAoqmFnyg6k8HiLyxd",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "5d69d22aff5957a18194c443557d97ec18707e4db8ee7e9a4bb8a7eef642fdff",
"dst": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "16.000000",
"hours": 1432
Encode JSON Skycoin transaction.
$ skycoin-cli encodeJsonTransaction [file path or -]
-j, --json Returns the results in JSON format.
-f, --fix Recompute transaction inner and outer hashes
$ echo ' {
"length": 220,
"type": 0,
"txid": "ee700309aba9b8b552f1c932a667c3701eff98e71c0e5b0e807485cea28170e5",
"inner_hash": "247bd0f0a1cf39fa51ea3eca044e4d9cbb28fff5376e90e2eb008c9fe0af3843",
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "2f146924431e8c9b84a53d4d823acefb92515a264956d873ac86066c608af418",
"dst": "3vbfHxPzMuyFJvgHdAoqmFnyg6k8HiLyxd",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "5d69d22aff5957a18194c443557d97ec18707e4db8ee7e9a4bb8a7eef642fdff",
"dst": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "16.000000",
"hours": 1432
}' | skycoin-cli encodeJsonTransaction -
View Output
$ echo ' {
"length": 220,
"type": 0,
"txid": "ee700309aba9b8b552f1c932a667c3701eff98e71c0e5b0e807485cea28170e5",
"inner_hash": "247bd0f0a1cf39fa51ea3eca044e4d9cbb28fff5376e90e2eb008c9fe0af3843",
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "2f146924431e8c9b84a53d4d823acefb92515a264956d873ac86066c608af418",
"dst": "3vbfHxPzMuyFJvgHdAoqmFnyg6k8HiLyxd",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "5d69d22aff5957a18194c443557d97ec18707e4db8ee7e9a4bb8a7eef642fdff",
"dst": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "16.000000",
"hours": 1432
$ skycoin-cli encodeJsonTransaction $FILEPATH
View Output
$ echo ' {
"length": 183,
"type": 0,
"txid": "9b102b8a9882cd5dc2df8955fc1b8a1a75e11b9de61d272313c4da822920872b",
"inner_hash": "6b1a69b76b2412314b2b928ad5e97c31c034be5734f9fa77f31f11b6b933b976",
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "d1e30a79ebaac4948c69ce8f61714320f996193544a815b58b6837bade5d86c3",
"dst": "2fRQzhdNP2QMG75GkZnm44H649QBcj2mZY",
"coins": "0.001000",
"hours": 22
$ skycoin-cli encodeJsonTransaction -f $FILEPATH
$ echo ' {
"length": 220,
"type": 0,
"txid": "ee700309aba9b8b552f1c932a667c3701eff98e71c0e5b0e807485cea28170e5",
"inner_hash": "247bd0f0a1cf39fa51ea3eca044e4d9cbb28fff5376e90e2eb008c9fe0af3843",
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "2f146924431e8c9b84a53d4d823acefb92515a264956d873ac86066c608af418",
"dst": "3vbfHxPzMuyFJvgHdAoqmFnyg6k8HiLyxd",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "5d69d22aff5957a18194c443557d97ec18707e4db8ee7e9a4bb8a7eef642fdff",
"dst": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "16.000000",
"hours": 1432
$ skycoin-cli encodeJsonTransaction --json $FILEPATH
View Output
"rawtx": "dc00000000247bd0f0a1cf39fa51ea3eca044e4d9cbb28fff5376e90e2eb008c9fe0af384301000000cf5869cb1b21da4da98bdb5dca57b1fd5a6fcbefd37d4f1eb332b21233f92cd62e00d8e2f1c8545142eaeed8fada1158dd0e552d3be55f18dd60d7e85407ef4f000100000005e524872c838de517592c9a495d758b8ab2ec32d3e4d3fb131023a424386634020000000007445b5d6fbbb1a7d70bef941fb5da234a10fcae40420f00000000000100000000000000008001532c3a705e7e62bb0bb80630ecc21a87ec090024f400000000009805000000000000"
Broadcast a raw skycoin transaction. Output is the transaction id.
$ skycoin-cli broadcastTransaction [raw transaction]
$ skycoin-cli broadcastTransaction dc00000000247bd0f0a1cf39fa51ea3eca044e4d9cbb28fff5376e90e2eb008c9fe0af384301000000cf5869cb1b21da4da98bdb5dca57b1fd5a6fcbefd37d4f1eb332b21233f92cd62e00d8e2f1c8545142eaeed8fada1158dd0e552d3be55f18dd60d7e85407ef4f000100000005e524872c838de517592c9a495d758b8ab2ec32d3e4d3fb131023a424386634020000000007445b5d6fbbb1a7d70bef941fb5da234a10fcae40420f00000000000100000000000000008001532c3a705e7e62bb0bb80630ecc21a87ec090024f400000000009805000000000000
View Output
Create a new Skycoin wallet.
$ skycoin-cli walletCreate [label] [flags]
NOTE: you will be prompted to enter a password to encrypt the wallet. All sensitive data, such as the secrets, seed and seedPassphrase, will not be returned anymore.
--bip44-coin uint32 BIP44 coin type (default 8000)
-e, --encrypt Create encrypted wallet. (default true)
-h, --help help for walletCreate
-m, --mnemonic A mnemonic seed consisting of 12 dictionary words will be generated
-n, --num uint Number of addresses to generate. (default 1)
-p, --password string Wallet password
-r, --random A random alpha numeric seed will be generated.
--scan uint Number of addresses to scan ahead for balances. (default 1)
-s, --seed string Your seed
--seed-passphrase string Seed passphrase (bip44 wallets only)
-t, --type string Wallet type. Types are "collection", "deterministic", "bip44" or "xpub" (default "deterministic")
-w, --wordcount uint Number of seed words to use for mnemonic. Must be 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 (default 12)
--xpub string xpub key for "xpub" type wallets
Creates a deterministic wallet using the Skycoin deterministic address generator.
Alternatively, you can create a bip44
type wallet.
$ skycoin-cli walletCreate $WALLET_LABEL -t deterministic
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"crypto_type": "scrypt-chacha20poly1305",
"encrypted": true,
"filename": "2020_11_16_4c88.wlt",
"label": "test",
"timestamp": "1523176366",
"type": "deterministic",
"version": "0.4"
"entries": [
"address": "FSkC7V5rAkCnNrtCe1HBnD2iTm1J8jn63V",
"public_key": "03a16c8e9ea86ea2358364757431b84cc388b34be776bb6a23ed2b83731957d33a"
$ skycoin-cli walletCreate $WALLET_LABEL -r
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"crypto_type": "scrypt-chacha20poly1305",
"encrypted": true,
"filename": "2020_11_16_4c88.wlt",
"label": "test",
"timestamp": "1523177044",
"type": "deterministic",
"version": "0.4"
"entries": [
"address": "9YogvtjYgeLn3gQX2wzsXDpZn7LuoArdzZ",
"public_key": "022b4bd33f0ad037756ae19f8dfab935fed1118980b4067b4a6b7f03333ba5ccae"
$ skycoin-cli walletCreate $WALLET_LABEL -m
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"crypto_type": "scrypt-chacha20poly1305",
"encrypted": true,
"filename": "2020_11_16_4c88.wlt",
"label": "test",
"timestamp": "1523177162",
"type": "deterministic",
"version": "0.4"
"entries": [
"address": "E9p6Eck7Q6bYBnEkCdB3vCDf3YYkQxCHwv",
"public_key": "02c41e7b03a6a848a417d7d270b9d83c4d9534c2cd5eace8046c67d012b920f1db"
$ skycoin-cli walletCreate $WALLET_LABEL -s "this is the super secret seed everyone needs but does not have"
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"crypto_type": "scrypt-chacha20poly1305",
"encrypted": true,
"filename": "2020_11_16_4c88.wlt",
"label": "test",
"timestamp": "1523178336",
"type": "deterministic",
"version": "0.4"
"entries": [
"address": "NEQVmBJPidzo3SfDRJHNDMHL7VbqNa7Cku",
"public_key": "0348400c3c1a733a6e25c77f1ffea64c887bc9344a0366821ef07b9b3abadcaf10"
$ skycoin-cli walletCreate $WALLET_LABEL -n 2
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"crypto_type": "scrypt-chacha20poly1305",
"encrypted": true,
"filename": "2020_11_16_4c88.wlt",
"label": "test",
"timestamp": "1523178418",
"type": "deterministic",
"version": "0.4"
"entries": [
"address": "2accTtyD7tqzLh7c62BE9zjGiyEpoMyQ3bb",
"public_key": "027c30928161755c913e1b3db208f95a66be0f550b9620cefd44902b5354365b73"
"address": "goyx9VE3q73zAWntmwwyaUoTZhtTyG4vt",
"public_key": "025c0b06471b865cb5eab23f9a9dc0a992fe70d0576eb400aa4978ddd0a2124b95"
$ skycoin-cli walletCreate $WALLET_LABEL --encrypt=false
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"crypto_type": "",
"encrypted": false,
"filename": "2020_11_16_4c88.wlt",
"label": "test",
"timestamp": "1523178769",
"type": "deterministic",
"version": "0.4"
"entries": [
"address": "21YPgFwkLxQ1e9JTCZ43G7JUyCaGRGqAsda",
"public_key": "03784cf30195259e4bf89e15d343417d38ecd05b2f61fd2b2f71020ad7b1de3577"
Create an empty collection wallet. Use addPrivateKey
to add keys to it after creation.
$ skycoin-cli walletCreate $WALLET_LABEL -t collection
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"crypto_type": "scrypt-chacha20poly1305",
"encrypted": true,
"filename": "2020_11_16_83a8.wlt",
"label": "test",
"timestamp": "1563205581",
"type": "collection",
"version": "0.4"
"entries": []
Create a bip44 wallet. BIP44 wallets use the same mnemonic seeds as deterministic
wallets, but are supported on 3rd party wallets such as Trezor.
$ skycoin-cli walletCreate $WALLET_LABEL -t bip44
View Output
"meta": {
"bip44_coin": "8000",
"coin": "skycoin",
"crypto_type": "2020_11_16_83a8.wlt",
"encrypted": true,
"filename": "2020_11_16_ac0d.wlt",
"label": "test",
"timestamp": "1563205737",
"type": "bip44",
"version": "0.4"
"entries": [
"address": "zbqJ8tGRKNEpR3X2RxHTyodCFtVDB7wFKf",
"public_key": "0255a1148a188d5b5f08c3296ad5de6577e08f8cd035b2e53d974aad56f748abb9",
"child_number": 0,
"change": 0
Create an xpub wallet. Obtain an xpub key from a BIP44 wallet with walletKeyExport
$ skycoin-cli walletCreate $WALLET_LABEL -t xpub --xpub xpub7FHa3pjLCk84BayeJxFW2SP4XRrFd1JYnxeLeU8EqN3vDfZmbqBqaGJAyiLjTAwm6ZLRQUMv1ZACTj37sR62cfN7fe5JnJ7dh8zL4fiyLHV
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"crypto_type": "scrypt-chacha20poly1305",
"encrypted": false,
"filename": "2020_11_16_83a8.wlt",
"timestamp": "1563205611",
"type": "xpub",
"version": "0.4",
"xpub": "xpub6FHa3pjLCk84BayeJxFW2SP4XRrFd1JYnxeLeU8EqN3vDfZmbqBqaGJAyiLjTAwm6ZLRQUMv1ZACTj37sR62cfN7fe5JnJ7dh8zL4fiyLHV"
"entries": [
"address": "2as3T8JqSVm41k47phe4vbnrzbTqBEaAwG7",
"public_key": "02df12b7035bdac8e3bab862a3a83d06ea6b17b6753d52edecba9be46f5d09e076"
Add new addresses to a skycoin wallet.
$ skycoin-cli walletAddAddresses [wallet] [flags]
-j, --json Returns the results in JSON format
-n, --num uint Number of addresses to generate (default 1)
-p, --password string wallet password
$ skycoin-cli walletAddAddresses $WALLET_NAME
View Output
$ skycoin-cli walletAddAddresses $WALLET_NAME -n 2
View Output
$ skycoin-cli walletAddAddresses $WALLET_NAME --json
View Output
"addresses": [
Scan wallet ahead to find addresses with balance.
$ skycoin-cli walletScanAddresses [wallet] [flags]
-h, --help help for walletScanAddresses
-j, --json Returns the results in json format
-n, --num uint Number of addresses to scan ahead (default 20)
-p, --password string wallet password
$ skycoin-cli walletScanAddresses $WALLET_NAME -n 10
View Output
$ skycoin-cli walletScanAddresses $WALLET_NAME -n 10 --json
View Output
"addresses": [
Export a specific key from an HD wallet (bip44 wallet).
$ skycoin-cli walletKeyExport [wallet] [flags]
-h, --help help for walletKeyExport
-k, --key string key type ("xpub", "xprv", "pub", "prv") (default "xpub")
-p, --password string wallet password
--path string bip44 account'/change subpath (default "0/0")
Note: Node must start with the API set of INSECURE_WALLET_SEED
The path
arg is the account'/change
portion of the bip44 path.
It can have 1 to 3 nodes (i.e. 0
, 0/0
and 0/0/0
The apostrophe for the account
node is omitted.
$ skycoin-cli walletKeyExport mywallet.wlt -k xpub -p "0/0"
View Output
$ skycoin-cli walletKeyExport mywallet.wlt -k xprv --path "0/1"
View Output
$ skycoin-cli walletKeyExport mywallet.wlt -k pub --path "0/0/5"
View Output
$ skycoin-cli walletKeyExport mywallet.wlt -k prv --path "0/1/5"
View Output
$ skycoin-cli walletKeyExport mywallet.wlt -k xpub --path "2"
View Output
Encrypt a wallet seed
$ skycoin-cli encryptWallet [wallet] [flags]
-x, --crypto-type string The crypto type for wallet encryption, can be scrypt-chacha20poly1305 or sha256-xor
-p, --password string wallet password
$ skycoin-cli encryptWallet $WALLET_NAME -p test
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"filename": "skycoin_cli.wlt",
"label": "test",
"type": "deterministic",
"version": "0.4",
"crypto_type": "scrypt-chacha20poly1305",
"timestamp": "1540305209",
"encrypted": "true"
"entries": [
"address": "2gvvvS5jziMDQTUPB98LFipCTDjm1H723k2",
"public_key": "032fe2ceacabc1a6acad8c93bd3493a3570fb76a9f8dc625dd200d13f96abed3e0",
"secret_key": ""
$ skycoin-cli encryptWallet $WALLET_NAME -x sha256-xor -p test
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"filename": "skycoin_test.wlt",
"label": "skycoin_test",
"crypto_type": "sha256-xor",
"encrypted": "true",
"timestamp": "1540305209",
"type": "deterministic",
"version": "0.4"
"entries": [
"address": "2gvvvS5jziMDQTUPB98LFipCTDjm1H723k2",
"public_key": "032fe2ceacabc1a6acad8c93bd3493a3570fb76a9f8dc625dd200d13f96abed3e0"
Decrypt a wallet seed
$ skycoin-cli decryptWallet [wallet] [flags]
-p, --password string wallet password
$ skycoin-cli decryptWallet $WALLET_NAME -p test
View Output
"meta": {
"coin": "skycoin",
"crypto_type": "",
"encrypted": "false",
"filename": "skycoin_cli.wlt",
"label": "test",
"timestamp": "1540305209",
"type": "deterministic",
"version": "0.4"
"entries": [
"address": "2gvvvS5jziMDQTUPB98LFipCTDjm1H723k2",
"public_key": "032fe2ceacabc1a6acad8c93bd3493a3570fb76a9f8dc625dd200d13f96abed3e0"
Show the last n
skycoin blocks.
By default the last block is shown.
$ skycoin-cli lastBlocks [numberOfBlocks]
$ skycoin-cli lastBlocks
View Output
"blocks": [
"header": {
"seq": 58894,
"block_hash": "3961bea8c4ab45d658ae42effd4caf36b81709dc52a5708fdd4c8eb1b199a1f6",
"previous_block_hash": "8eca94e7597b87c8587286b66a6b409f6b4bf288a381a56d7fde3594e319c38a",
"timestamp": 1537581604,
"fee": 485194,
"version": 0,
"tx_body_hash": "c03c0dd28841d5aa87ce4e692ec8adde923799146ec5504e17ac0c95036362dd",
"ux_hash": "f7d30ecb49f132283862ad58f691e8747894c9fc241cb3a864fc15bd3e2c83d3"
"body": {
"txns": [
"length": 257,
"type": 0,
"txid": "c03c0dd28841d5aa87ce4e692ec8adde923799146ec5504e17ac0c95036362dd",
"inner_hash": "f7dbd09f7e9f65d87003984640f1977fb9eec95b07ef6275a1ec6261065e68d7",
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "235811602fc96cf8b5b031edb88ee1606830aa641c06e0986681552d8728ec07",
"dst": "2Huip6Eizrq1uWYqfQEh4ymibLysJmXnWXS",
"coins": "0.500000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "873da4edc01c0b5184e1f26c4c3471dd407d08e9ab36b018ab93874e7392320b",
"dst": "2XBMMDMqTTYmqs2rfjEwYDz8ABd38y9B8r7",
"coins": "0.500000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "42a6f0127f61e1d7bca8e9680027eddcecad772250c5634a03e56a8b1cf5a816",
"dst": "uvcDrKc8rHTjxLrU4mPN56Hyh2tR6RvCvw",
"coins": "25.913000",
"hours": 485192
"size": 257
$ skycoin-cli lastBlocks 3
View Output
"blocks": [
"header": {
"seq": 58892,
"block_hash": "1f042ed976c0cb150ea6b71c9608d65b519e4bc1c507eba9f1146e443a856c2d",
"previous_block_hash": "d9ca9442febd8788de0a3093158943beca228017bf8c9c9b8529a382fad8d991",
"timestamp": 1537580914,
"fee": 94694,
"version": 0,
"tx_body_hash": "9895f8af790e33a618004dc61f48ecc16bd642751a3fff6b05cecb8815c80942",
"ux_hash": "bb188dcaaf28613d49b926636675dacf67a739a4e316253b1207ad674709252b"
"body": {
"txns": [
"length": 1190,
"type": 0,
"txid": "9895f8af790e33a618004dc61f48ecc16bd642751a3fff6b05cecb8815c80942",
"inner_hash": "8bff0b7572bb49ccde4b2b313e921e5cf302a11fd9f786a2ef97a7c0ddfee261",
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "061a639996b85d2c0f19cf929a83c5abe2667a411de31fbdbd16c1da6c8e4880",
"dst": "2gXHek83jtEdDndgrKkEwgwZZDsHXKfNaD",
"coins": "87.990000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "f210a8ed58c92094832ccb4d5a4ae7271df1df0d7176b18d5c7b149ed36a7d80",
"dst": "27ckSMTwxMxHanUM1VmF8BV9JuWdQd4Gd9S",
"coins": "0.010000",
"hours": 94693
"size": 1190
"header": {
"seq": 58893,
"block_hash": "8eca94e7597b87c8587286b66a6b409f6b4bf288a381a56d7fde3594e319c38a",
"previous_block_hash": "1f042ed976c0cb150ea6b71c9608d65b519e4bc1c507eba9f1146e443a856c2d",
"timestamp": 1537581594,
"fee": 970389,
"version": 0,
"tx_body_hash": "1bea5cf1279693a0da24828c37b267c702007842b16ca5557ae497574d15aab7",
"ux_hash": "bf35652af199779bc40cbeb339e8a782ff70673b07779e5c5621d37dfe13b42b"
"body": {
"txns": [
"length": 377,
"type": 0,
"txid": "1bea5cf1279693a0da24828c37b267c702007842b16ca5557ae497574d15aab7",
"inner_hash": "a25232405bcef0c007bb2d7d3520f2a389e17e11125c252ab6c00168ec52c08d",
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "fb8db3f78928aee3f5cbda8db7fc290df9e64414e8107872a1c5cf83e08e4df7",
"dst": "uvcDrKc8rHTjxLrU4mPN56Hyh2tR6RvCvw",
"coins": "26.913000",
"hours": 970388
"size": 377
"header": {
"seq": 58894,
"block_hash": "3961bea8c4ab45d658ae42effd4caf36b81709dc52a5708fdd4c8eb1b199a1f6",
"previous_block_hash": "8eca94e7597b87c8587286b66a6b409f6b4bf288a381a56d7fde3594e319c38a",
"timestamp": 1537581604,
"fee": 485194,
"version": 0,
"tx_body_hash": "c03c0dd28841d5aa87ce4e692ec8adde923799146ec5504e17ac0c95036362dd",
"ux_hash": "f7d30ecb49f132283862ad58f691e8747894c9fc241cb3a864fc15bd3e2c83d3"
"body": {
"txns": [
"length": 257,
"type": 0,
"txid": "c03c0dd28841d5aa87ce4e692ec8adde923799146ec5504e17ac0c95036362dd",
"inner_hash": "f7dbd09f7e9f65d87003984640f1977fb9eec95b07ef6275a1ec6261065e68d7",
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "235811602fc96cf8b5b031edb88ee1606830aa641c06e0986681552d8728ec07",
"dst": "2Huip6Eizrq1uWYqfQEh4ymibLysJmXnWXS",
"coins": "0.500000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "873da4edc01c0b5184e1f26c4c3471dd407d08e9ab36b018ab93874e7392320b",
"dst": "2XBMMDMqTTYmqs2rfjEwYDz8ABd38y9B8r7",
"coins": "0.500000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "42a6f0127f61e1d7bca8e9680027eddcecad772250c5634a03e56a8b1cf5a816",
"dst": "uvcDrKc8rHTjxLrU4mPN56Hyh2tR6RvCvw",
"coins": "25.913000",
"hours": 485192
"size": 257
List addresses in a skycoin wallet.
$ skycoin-cli listAddresses [wallet]
$ skycoin-cli listAddresses $WALLET_NAME
View Output
"addresses": [
List wallets in the Skycoin wallet directory ($DATA_DIR/wallets
) or in a specific directory.
$ skycoin-cli listWallets
$ skycoin-cli listWallets
View Output
"directory": "/home/foo/.skycoin/wallets",
"wallets": [
"name": "2018_02_04_45bc.wlt",
"label": "Your Wallet",
"address_num": 60
"name": "2018_03_22_6e61.wlt",
"label": "craptopia",
"address_num": 3
"name": "2018_04_01_198c.wlt",
"label": "wings",
"address_num": 2
"name": "secret_wallet.wlt",
"label": "",
"address_num": 1
"name": "skycoin_cli.wlt",
"label": "cli wallet",
"address_num": 6
Make a skycoin transaction.
$ skycoin-cli send [wallet] [to address] [amount] [flags]
-c, --change-address string Specify the change address.
Defaults to one of the spending addresses (deterministic wallets) or to a new change address (bip44 wallets).
--csv string CSV file containing addresses and amounts to send
-a, --from-address string From address in wallet
-j, --json Returns the results in JSON format.
-m, --many string use JSON string to set multiple receive addresses and coins,
example: -m '[{"addr":"$addr1", "coins": "10.2"}, {"addr":"$addr2", "coins": "20"}]'
-p, --password string Wallet password
$ skycoin-cli send $WALLET_FILE -a $FROM_ADDRESS -m '[{"addr":"$ADDR1", "coins": "$AMT1"}, {"addr":"$ADDR2", "coins": "$AMT2"}]'
$ cat <<EOF > $CSV_FILE
$ skycoin-cli send $WALLET_FILE -a $FROM_ADDRESS --csv $CSV_FILE
View Output
NOTE: When sending to multiple addresses each combination of address and coins need to be unique Otherwise you get,
ERROR: Duplicate output in transaction
View Output
Show seed and seed passphrase of a wallet.
$ skycoin-cli showSeed [wallet] [flags]
-j, --json Returns the results in JSON format.
-p, --password string Wallet password
$ skycoin-cli showSeed $WALLET_NAME
View Output
``` eternal turtle seek nominee narrow much melody kite worth giggle shrimp horse ```$ skycoin-cli showSeed $WALLET_NAME
View Output
``` eternal turtle seek nominee narrow much melody kite worth giggle shrimp horse mypassphrase ```$ skycoin-cli showSeed $WALLET_NAME -j
View Output
```json { "seed": "eternal turtle seek nominee narrow much melody kite worth giggle shrimp horse", "seed_passphrase": "mypassphrase" } ```Show the CLI tool's local configuration.
$ skycoin-cli showConfig
View Output
"data_directory": "/home/user/.skycoin",
"coin": "skycoin",
"rpc_address": ""
$ skycoin-cli status
View Output
"status": {
"blockchain": {
"head": {
"seq": 58894,
"block_hash": "3961bea8c4ab45d658ae42effd4caf36b81709dc52a5708fdd4c8eb1b199a1f6",
"previous_block_hash": "8eca94e7597b87c8587286b66a6b409f6b4bf288a381a56d7fde3594e319c38a",
"timestamp": 1537581604,
"fee": 485194,
"version": 0,
"tx_body_hash": "c03c0dd28841d5aa87ce4e692ec8adde923799146ec5504e17ac0c95036362dd",
"ux_hash": "f7d30ecb49f132283862ad58f691e8747894c9fc241cb3a864fc15bd3e2c83d3"
"unspents": 38171,
"unconfirmed": 1,
"time_since_last_block": "7m44s"
"version": {
"version": "0.25.0",
"commit": "620405485d3276c16c0379bc3b88b588e34c45e1",
"branch": "develop"
"coin": "skycoin",
"user_agent": "skycoin:0.25.0",
"open_connections": 8,
"outgoing_connections": 5,
"incoming_connections": 3,
"uptime": "4h1m23.697072461s",
"csrf_enabled": true,
"csp_enabled": true,
"wallet_api_enabled": true,
"gui_enabled": true,
"user_verify_transaction": {
"burn_factor": 10,
"max_transaction_size": 32768,
"max_decimals": 3
"unconfirmed_verify_transaction": {
"burn_factor": 10,
"max_transaction_size": 32768,
"max_decimals": 3
"started_at": 1558864387,
"fiber": {
"name": "skycoin",
"display_name": "Skycoin",
"ticker": "SKY",
"coin_hours_display_name": "Coin Hours",
"coin_hours_display_name_singular": "Coin Hour",
"coin_hours_ticker": "SCH",
"explorer_url": ""
"cli_config": {
"webrpc_address": ""
Get transaction data from a txid
$ skycoin-cli transaction [transaction id]
$ skycoin-cli transaction 824d421a25f81aa7565d042a54b3e1e8fdc58bed4eefe8f8a90748da6d77d135
View Output
"transaction": {
"status": {
"confirmed": true,
"unconfirmed": false,
"height": 1,
"block_seq": 864
"txn": {
"length": 220,
"type": 0,
"txid": "824d421a25f81aa7565d042a54b3e1e8fdc58bed4eefe8f8a90748da6d77d135",
"inner_hash": "708a21c685041ba409b9634843003f263c7a00d99459925e319049f3e36f1163",
"timestamp": 1492141347,
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"outputs": [
"uxid": "b0586a8e731c475e87eb61ef0b845d7893cf39120a1e97cf05f78585f1a49e3c",
"dst": "2bfYafFtdkCRNcCyuDvsATV66GvBR9xfvjy",
"coins": "166365",
"hours": 0
"uxid": "49c64719d8df905a7fd4a1c46c2a9c358a8c5ae14befb0d57dcfe1b1d36a1758",
"dst": "ep3axwpJ3hWWQcACu48z9sMKUB7snXBm94",
"coins": "1300",
"hours": 0
Get transaction for one or more addresses - including listing of both inputs and outputs.
$ skycoin-cli addressTransactions [addr1 addr2 addr3]
$ skycoin-cli addressTransactions 21YPgFwkLxQ1e9JTCZ43G7JUyCaGRGqAsda
View Output
"status": {
"confirmed": true,
"unconfirmed": false,
"height": 66119,
"block_seq": 21213
"time": 1523180676,
"txn": {
"timestamp": 1523180676,
"length": 220,
"type": 0,
"txid": "8cdf82ec42e8316007ed99c0b1de1d0dfd9221c757f41fdec0b36009df74085f",
"inner_hash": "c543f08bfe7b99a19f7bc4068a02e437ed4a043130e976551188c4d38b89ce8d",
"fee": 726,
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"uxid": "5d69d22aff5957a18194c443557d97ec18707e4db8ee7e9a4bb8a7eef642fdff",
"owner": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "16.000000",
"hours": 1432,
"calculated_hours": 1452
"outputs": [
"uxid": "0020ae8da2bcc7657f3b234cbb59e0fd2486c53d7ef3f05cda6ff613587c8441",
"dst": "3vbfHxPzMuyFJvgHdAoqmFnyg6k8HiLyxd",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "9d79ad07a90fee10b59bea1bd6f566f0b69f6bf9a9e735c1bec4b0e5eb4b33cb",
"dst": "21YPgFwkLxQ1e9JTCZ43G7JUyCaGRGqAsda",
"coins": "15.000000",
"hours": 725
"status": {
"confirmed": true,
"unconfirmed": false,
"height": 66111,
"block_seq": 21221
"time": 1523184376,
"txn": {
"timestamp": 1523184376,
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"owner": "21YPgFwkLxQ1e9JTCZ43G7JUyCaGRGqAsda",
"coins": "15.000000",
"hours": 725,
"calculated_hours": 739
"outputs": [
"uxid": "c51b2692aa9f296a3cd2f37b14f39c496c82f5c5ae01c54701ea60b7353f27e2",
"dst": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "15.000000",
"hours": 369
$ skycoin-cli addressTransactions 21YPgFwkLxQ1e9JTCZ43G7JUyCaGRGqAsda 3vbfHxPzMuyFJvgHdAoqmFnyg6k8HiLyxd
View Output
"status": {
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"inner_hash": "247bd0f0a1cf39fa51ea3eca044e4d9cbb28fff5376e90e2eb008c9fe0af3843",
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"owner": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "17.000000",
"hours": 139,
"calculated_hours": 2875
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"uxid": "2f146924431e8c9b84a53d4d823acefb92515a264956d873ac86066c608af418",
"dst": "3vbfHxPzMuyFJvgHdAoqmFnyg6k8HiLyxd",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1
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"dst": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
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"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1,
"calculated_hours": 1
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"dst": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 0
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"fee": 726,
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"coins": "16.000000",
"hours": 1432,
"calculated_hours": 1452
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"uxid": "0020ae8da2bcc7657f3b234cbb59e0fd2486c53d7ef3f05cda6ff613587c8441",
"dst": "3vbfHxPzMuyFJvgHdAoqmFnyg6k8HiLyxd",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "9d79ad07a90fee10b59bea1bd6f566f0b69f6bf9a9e735c1bec4b0e5eb4b33cb",
"dst": "21YPgFwkLxQ1e9JTCZ43G7JUyCaGRGqAsda",
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"owner": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "3.000000",
"hours": 111,
"calculated_hours": 4486
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"uxid": "ba74051563bbe6aac1836780770a66bf782a4b3a90c5ea341b43cb85a7f9d51b",
"dst": "3vbfHxPzMuyFJvgHdAoqmFnyg6k8HiLyxd",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1
"uxid": "80ad81c7de66f2839b24896340890c77a79b8409abdf8e9956f5e3b65baa545b",
"dst": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "2.000000",
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"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1,
"calculated_hours": 1
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"dst": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
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"owner": "3vbfHxPzMuyFJvgHdAoqmFnyg6k8HiLyxd",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 1,
"calculated_hours": 1
"outputs": [
"uxid": "a0777af14223bbbd5aeb8bf3cfd6ba94c776c6eec731310caaaaee49b9feb9a5",
"dst": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 0
"status": {
"confirmed": true,
"unconfirmed": false,
"height": 66111,
"block_seq": 21221
"time": 1523184376,
"txn": {
"timestamp": 1523184376,
"length": 183,
"type": 0,
"txid": "f3c5cfd462d95e724b7d35b1688c53f25a5f358f2eb9a6f87b63cdf31deb2bf8",
"inner_hash": "8269589c228be4bc33d75f6ee5b334856e8680b7d6ec275f897406c01da8340b",
"fee": 370,
"sigs": [
"inputs": [
"uxid": "9d79ad07a90fee10b59bea1bd6f566f0b69f6bf9a9e735c1bec4b0e5eb4b33cb",
"owner": "21YPgFwkLxQ1e9JTCZ43G7JUyCaGRGqAsda",
"coins": "15.000000",
"hours": 725,
"calculated_hours": 739
"outputs": [
"uxid": "c51b2692aa9f296a3cd2f37b14f39c496c82f5c5ae01c54701ea60b7353f27e2",
"dst": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "15.000000",
"hours": 369
Verify whether a given address is a valid skycoin addres or not.
$ skycoin-cli verifyAddress [skycoin address]
$ skycoin-cli verifyAddress 21YPgFwkLxQ1e9JTCZ43G7JUyCaGRGqAsda
No Output
$ skycoin-cli verifyAddress 21YPgFwkLxQ1e9JTCZ43G7JUyCaGRGqAsdx
View Output
Invalid checksum
$ skycoin-cli verifyAddress 21YPg
View Output
Invalid address length
Check the wallet a skycoin wallet.
$ skycoin-cli walletBalance [wallet]
$ skycoin-cli walletBalance 2018_04_01_198c.wlt
View Output
"confirmed": {
"coins": "31.000000",
"hours": "25255"
"spendable": {
"coins": "31.000000",
"hours": "25255"
"expected": {
"coins": "31.000000",
"hours": "25255"
"addresses": [
"confirmed": {
"coins": "0.000000",
"hours": "0"
"spendable": {
"coins": "0.000000",
"hours": "0"
"expected": {
"coins": "0.000000",
"hours": "0"
"address": "29fDBQuJs2MDLymJsjyWH6rDjsyv995SrGU"
"confirmed": {
"coins": "31.000000",
"hours": "25255"
"spendable": {
"coins": "31.000000",
"hours": "25255"
"expected": {
"coins": "31.000000",
"hours": "25255"
"address": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V"
Show all previous transactions made by the addresses in a wallet.
$ skycoin-cli walletHistory [wallet]
$ skycoin-cli walletHistory $WALLET_NAME
View Output
"txid": "d1ded06a49b7588b897a2186bbe76de7ee93f49084ad35e1a7f47cbf6cd3a7fa",
"address": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"amount": "1.000000",
"timestamp": "2018-01-28T13:11:15Z",
"status": 1
"txid": "ad191f910e5508e0b0e0ab24ba815e784a1a2b63ca21043e7746bebf25106742",
"address": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"amount": "1.000000",
"timestamp": "2018-01-28T13:26:15Z",
"status": 1
List unspent outputs of all addresses in a wallet.
$ skycoin-cli walletOutputs [wallet]
$ skycoin-cli walletHistory $WALLET_NAME
View Output
"outputs": {
"head_outputs": [
"hash": "c51b2692aa9f296a3cd2f37b14f39c496c82f5c5ae01c54701ea60b7353f27e2",
"time": 1523184376,
"block_seq": 21221,
"src_tx": "f3c5cfd462d95e724b7d35b1688c53f25a5f358f2eb9a6f87b63cdf31deb2bf8",
"address": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "15.000000",
"hours": 369,
"calculated_hours": 370
"hash": "a0777af14223bbbd5aeb8bf3cfd6ba94c776c6eec731310caaaaee49b9feb9a5",
"time": 1523184176,
"block_seq": 21220,
"src_tx": "4acd61d7aa7dfe20795e517d7560643d049036af9451bcbd762793bcb6a4a6de",
"address": "tWPDM36ex9zLjJw1aPMfYTVPbYgkL2Xp9V",
"coins": "1.000000",
"hours": 0,
"calculated_hours": 0
"outgoing_outputs": [],
"incoming_outputs": []
Returns top N address (default 20) balances (based on unspent outputs). Optionally include distribution addresses (exluded by default).
$ skycoin-cli richlist [top N addresses (20 default)] [include distribution addresses (false default)]
$ skycoin-cli richlist 2
View Output
"richlist": [
"address": "zVzkqNj3Ueuzo54sbACcYBqqGBPCGAac5W",
"coins": "2922927.299000",
"locked": false
"address": "2iNNt6fm9LszSWe51693BeyNUKX34pPaLx8",
"coins": "675256.308000",
"locked": false
$ skycoin-cli richlist 2 true
View Output
"richlist": [
"address": "zVzkqNj3Ueuzo54sbACcYBqqGBPCGAac5W",
"coins": "2922927.299000",
"locked": false
"address": "ejJjiCwp86ykmFr5iTJ8LxQXJ2wJPTYmkm",
"coins": "1000000.010000",
"locked": true
Returns the count of all addresses that currently have unspent outputs (coins) associated with them.
$ skycoin-cli addresscount
$ skycoin-cli addresscount
View Output
Get version of current skycoin cli.
$ skycoin-cli version [flags]
-j, --json Returns the results in JSON format
$ skycoin-cli version
View Output
$ skycoin-cli version --json
View Output
"skycoin": "0.23.0",
"cli": "0.23.0",
"rpc": "0.23.0",
"wallet": "0.23.0"
Distribute the genesis block coins into the configured distribution addresses. This is part of the fiber coin initialization procedure. After creating genesis key configuration and running the initial node, use this command to divide the genesis block into distribution addresses.
$ skycoin-cli distributeGenesis [genesis address secret key]
The secret key is the secret key of the genesis address, which you would have created when setting up the genesis block parameters.
$ skycoin-cli distributeGenesis 87b2ae65a7475481f73288b617242261e2a451815e1c6a5478862dbb95e23e3e
View Output
There is no output in the terminal if the command succeeds.