Refreshed project metadata. Now requires Python 3.6 or later. Login still basically is non-functional.
- #3: Fixed error in Delete message.
- pettazz#10: Fix typo in
- pettazz#4: Removed multiple checks for sha-1 hash, which failed in some cases when the Message IDs weren't of that form.
Fixed more bugs in the implementation, revealed by an enhanced test suite.
- #2: Fixed bugs in login. Confirmed
works again.
Rebased code on upstream pygooglevoice.
Removed scripts, replaced with runnable modules invokable with
python -m
- googlevoice
- googlevoice.interact
- googlevoice.setup-asterisk
Added test suite via tox and pytest, although currently only imports and lint are tested.
Automated releases via Travis-CI.
Renamed GitHub repo to jaraco/googlevoice.